(no subject)

Apr 02, 2013 19:01

Yo hohoho! It's been a while since I've done an update on Mowgli Cove. About half a year if I'm not mistaken seesh.

Picking up where we left off Charlie decided the warlock life was for him and had set off on his way to becoming a really nice warlock.

Lisa decided she also wanted in on the action, so I had Charlie witch her when he was at the magic level to do so.

Obviously I then had to make them a badass magic library.

They started arguing occasionally, which they'd never done before, I blame the ~witchcraft~.

When I saw this and the thought bubbles I thought Charlie was autonomously begging for Lisa's life. In fact he was begging for his own life, because he so desperately wanted to be re-united with his wife(!) Best husband ever.

The reaper came again.

And Charlie refused to die, again.

I then tried to kill him but the dude wouldn't budge. So I just deleted his household. How dare he hold on to life(!)

I'm in love with Eliza she's such a cutie.

I imagine Chen (lovelyxwow) isn't a morning person, judging by that face.

(Check out all the supernaturals starting to integrate into my 'hood. I love it!)

Matilda, Eliza's girlfriend, kept inviting herself over for re-heated chilli con carne throughout the week. Darren's quite taken to her now.

Chen finally got promoted to being a doctor, so I gave her a more 'mature' outfit. I think she looks spiffing.

*Yet another decorating intro*

Henry the servo moved out of Dominic and Juliet's, after doing a good job of being a homewrecker, and into a flat in the industrial area of Mowgli Cove.

Coincidentally (or is it?), Aurora his BFF lives on the floor below Henry. So a good chin wag is had by the two quite frequently throughout the week.

Clearly Henry is quite embarrassed by the whole ruining-a-marriage incident.

Henry asked his lady love Sandy (previously known as "her") to move in.

*Theminibeast is a bad sim god* Not only did he break down in the middle of night, but when it was finally daytime it started raining...

Henry wanted to get engaged and Sandy didn't have a fear of it (she's a romance sim). I have my doubts as to if they'll ever get round to marrying though.

Henry is such a sweetheart.

And then Sandy was naughty and started messing around with Matthew (alleliua) which I was very cross about.

I just realised but Yumi's nose doesn't look as angular and as awesome as it did when she was younger, at least she passed it on to Zeke...

If you can't already tell it was a very quite week in Kyla (freudriod) and Yumi's household.

And then they both died in quick succession of one another. I quite liked this household :'(

Oh you two, get a room!

Fortunately Abe did, unfortunately it wasn't with Noé. And he fell in love with him *rage*. I am so cross, why are all my favourite couple cheating on one another? >:(

I felt quite bad for Noé :(

Pretty Evie is pretty.

Evie: Ahh my wife in pajamas! I'm shocked by the nudity, even though I have see her naked regularly.

Matilda got another makeover because I can't decide how I want her to look.

Brigitte (niloublue) aged up.

Werewolves are the new hype in Mowgli Cove, if you haven't already guessed.

This makes me happy.

Brigitte also jumped on the bandwagon.

This guy kept hitting on Eliza for ~four hours despite her very harsh rejection. Her facial expression says it all. Is it awful that I found the whole situation hilarious?

It didn't take Dominic and Juliet long to patch things up (thanks to ACR).

I imagined Dominic being a very suave old codger, so he obviously needed a neck scarf.

Juliet also got a makeover.

And they returned to their marital bliss.

One last shot of Marianne as an adult.

An elderly hipster apartment makeover was then commenced.

Marianne then met a cook called Ralph with a moustache that wooed all the ladies, therefore he needed to be moved in.

Ralph being a romance sim had a want to propose to Marianne, he still got a bad memory for it though.

Then the hipsters celebrated their engagement the only way they know how, through the ~arts~

I love that even as elders Calden and Florence are triple bolters.

Unfortunately by beloved Florence was knocking on a bit and had to go. Calden then spent the rest of the week sobbing inbetween smustling and calling his son up to talk. It was all very sad :(

Thanks for read this updates, despite it being quite depressing. Y'know with all the deaths and cheating and what not.

I hope everyone who's off on the Easter holidays having a nice time.
My college cleverly decided to have a four week term and a two and half week holiday. So I'm spending it at my mums, I brought all my work back with me and I'm currently trying not to get paint all over my old room, it's not going well...


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