Jan 03, 2012 12:58
New Year's Resolutions for 2012:
1. Stop disappearing from the internet without warning. Sorry, reifica and ellydash!
2. Learn to program shit so I can put together a complicated modeling script in the next few months.
3. Successfully remember the names of people I sleep with. That would be, you know. Less awkward.
On the plus side, I kept my resolutions from last year, which were mostly to not wind up really hungover again on January 1 and to graduate college without any major mishaps, so I'm optimistic about this year. Besides, 2012 started out with mainlining Patti LuPone's autobiography (which was brilliant, by the way, and anyone with an interest in theater or fabulous bitchery should read it) and watching Doctor Who, so it's had a really good jumping-off point so far.
I hope everyone else's years started well!