My Super Late and No Longer Relevant Review of Nacho Libre

Mar 15, 2007 23:43


To elaborate, as we all know, poop gags and farting have no place in wrestling, but of course this movie has 'em within the first few scenes. Way to stay cutting edge, Jack.

To be a total cunt about it, they broke at least three rules of lucha libre. His mask is ripped off twice, without disqualification. There's also an important pinfall done outside the ring (without a "falls count anywhere" stipulation) and one guy uses a martinete (tombstone piledriver) without being disqualified. Not to mention a few instances of castigo excesivo ("excessive punishment") that could have ended matches, but dang, them Satan's Cavemen kinda knew how to work.

Also, of course, Jack's love interest comes around to the fact that he's into wrestling. That's bollocks. Girls never come around to it.

There is ONE pretty funny part (lasting an entire minute) and I was glad to see that YouTube clipped it perfectly, so I'll save you 90 boobless, kinda insulting minutes with the best part of the whole thing. Yup, when a movie has the Human Tornado in it and it fails to be considered a "good part" then the movie FAILS life.

The Good:  Mustaches, accents, El Dandy hair, midget demons who know how to work, Silver King, a hot nun, Nacho calling for the reveille in the above clip, a magistral cradle, Human Tornado kicking a skinny guy in the balls
The Bad:  All of the above failing to save it, everything else.
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