...miracle of waiting...

Apr 05, 2005 10:49

Last night when I was just sittin around on the computer, I had a couple awesome conversations on AIM. I really miss AIM being the hype place to be.

Anyways, Tony Eaton, my really good buddy from Central who moved to Arizona right after graduation, was on AIM when I got on last night. Him and I have not talked for some time and I miss that little Tool lovin buger. When I think of High School, a couple of things come to mind: Tony, OverUnderStanding, Music Class, and Art Classes. Tony and I met eachother in Debate class, it was the first or second day of high school and we were to get with a partner and give an introduction of our partner for the who class as a Ice Breaker. I can never thank Don Baker enough for that activity! From that day on, Tony and I were best of friends for all four years. We didnt hang out as much as i would have liked outside of classes but we would have 3 or 4 classes together every semester of High School. After Senior year, Tony moved to Arizona and I really really miss him and I wish he would have gone to ICC, that would have been a blast. Either way, I got to talk to him last night and that was sweet.

Next up on the converstations was my Girlie Bud! I love that kid. I dont want to gush too much on my livejournal. Only posers fall in love, ...show me to my oval office. We were talking about the amazing online converstation we used to have and how we finally got the balls to start living out some of these awesome converstations. We really first started talking online. It all started talking about movies on AIM. Yep, shes a cool chick. I love her!

The other converstation was with Carolyn. She said something pretty cool early on in our converstation. Something to the effect of re-reading a lot of my livejournal entries, just because she was bored. That means a lot to me personally. See, I used to re-read Richards livejournal entries when I was bored because I loved his style of writting. He has always been an inspiration as far as writting goes. And now someone gave me a comment that refects what i have thought about other people. The rest of our converstation went to the tune of, "Did you hear about the shows?" "Yeah, im pumped too!" Just incase you werent sure of what I am talking about, check out my previous entry and contact me if you have more questions.

Speaking of the shows, I havent heard all of the information on who else is playing with us on either of the two shows but it should be quite fun. I hear rumors of Scouts Honor playing? Either way, I shall have more information for it sooner or later and possibly some flyers to hand out.

With advertising the new show anouncement, I ran into the beloved Sean Wagers and him and I had a converstation with really fun wording. I think I used the word "Inbetwinsnt" if infact that is a word? that was pretty fun too

After playing my bass and talking on the internet I decided to play with the rubix cube, but all of a sudden I looked at that clock and all of a sudden it was 2?! HOLY CRAP! I have to go to bed! It was nuts, it really didnt seem like that late, but then I realized that I had run through my bands songs around 3 times and the 5 songs that I was practicing added up to around 22 minutes so thats a good way to kill an hour.

I have nothing else to say other than it would be just chilly enought to wear a hoodie on the day that I decided not to wear a hoodie. Hopefully there are more hoodie days ahead of us.

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