May 11, 2008 02:25
So I'm home finally.
Tonight has been odd. I'm very lonely at the moment and yet, it's somehow made me happy. I think I've finally resigned myself and come to terms with my position. There's no turning back and nothing left but recollection and reminiscence. So here I am tonight with that in mind.
Today at work I met up with an old friend of mine, Kelley. I've known Kelley for the better part of seven years and practically beamed when I saw her. She was always one of those platonic friendships I could rely on and never have to fear awkwardness. After having lost touch with her over the past year, it was great to see her. It turns out that she, like most of my high school friends, is moving to Austin in the near future. I've been bombarded with people trying to get me to make the move as well; Kelley did the same thing today. I agreed to come check it out for a week and go from there the next time Kelley takes the trip up there. About a year ago she tried to get me to be her roommate but I had to decline. She brought up the same this time and I told her if I end up liking Austin (as I've only been through there about three times) that I'd possibly take her up on her offer, though I'll likely end up living alone, as that makes more sense for me and my personality. Financially it'd be quite easy if we were to do it; as a bartender she nets about $40,000 a year and she's already found a bar she can transfer to; my new postal job will net me about $60,000 a year + bonuses and whatever overtime I take and is also easily transferable as it turns out with a bit of inquiry. So this gives me time to save up some and get safely out of my ID theft hole; once that's done I can throw a down payment on a nice car and should I make the move, lease a great house. I've already gotten enough to overhaul my home gym with all new equipment + buy quite a bit of new music equipment. I've already started buying the necessities for the studio Fritsche and I have wanted to make since we were in tenth grade and he's doing the same. Plus I have my voyage to Europe later in the year to look forward to.
So granted I may be quite lonely, but that's all right I suppose. I think about the position I want to be in, what I envision myself doing and realize that not having someone may in fact push me and make my efforts all the more noteworthy. Prior I would always think that my vision would be shared with someone else, but life takes some funny turns. I'll keep it all to myself if need be, and make a smile for myself all the while.