May 09, 2008 01:57
So back to our regularly scheduled program.
So Amanda told me on her blog that I should get out of Texas, even if for just a week. I'm in complete agreement. I intend to add more places to visit on my "itinerary" soon; I have this damned passport and I fully intend to make use of it. Texas has become stifling and in a sense entirely unredeemable to me at this point; everything I have here isn't helping me grow and the things I truly want are unavailable to me. So why should I waste my time with it anymore? The first half of 2008 has been more taxing on me emotionally than any period in recent memory that I can recall, so why not try and salvage the latter half of the year? It'd be foolish to throw in the towel and call it a wash. I'm twenty-three years old; it's time to live and gather fresh experiences, something I can whet my appetite with and use to my advantage. I have to live for myself now - close the doors that were previously open to others and focus on my own needs. I'll probably look at this entry later today, without the haze of semi-consciousness, and tell myself that I wish I still felt like this. Regardless, at the present, I'm okay. Finally.
I had a lot of ego-boosting today. A lot of attention was sent my way and I actually welcomed it. I felt revamped in a sense, even if it was just for the day and will fade. I completely exhaust myself in my efforts to help others; no matter how it's met, at least I can still say I tried to do something worthwhile and didn't just sit idle. I feel like maybe I'm finally going to get my due; we'll see. From this point on, only what or whomever summons my attention will be allowed or given it.
As it stands, I have a lot of writing to do. I worked a lot today, went out after work and had a fantastic night, and all the while I had my little blue pen scribbling things down. It's fun to write on napkins and receipts. So this is where I'll take my leave; I don't work again until this evening, so I have plenty of time to mull and get a few things out. New projects always excite me; good things will happen to me. It's time to restrict those things that have suffocated me and breathe again.