Nov 09, 2004 22:44
--Name: Kelsey Ann Wernsing
--Birth date: May 9, 1989
--Birthplace: Fresno, California
--Eye Color: grayish blue
--Hair Color: blonde
--Height: 5'5" or 6”
--Righty or Lefty: Righty
--Your Heritage: Danish, German, Irish, Scottish, Italian, and I think Dutch
--The Shoes You Wore Today: vans… heck yes!
--Your Weakness: my secret.
--Your Fears: clowns. End of story.
--Your Perfect Pizza: pepperoni and black olives….mmmm
--Goal You'd Like To Achieve: graduating college, and becoming a nurse
--Your most over used phrase on AIM: oh my…
--Your thoughts first waking up: goddamnit…5 more minutes? Yeah….
--Your best physical feature: apparently its my bottom…. But I think my eyes are good too. Hopefully. Heh.
--Your bedtime: whenever… usually I go to bed around 11
--Your most missed memory: my old house.
--Pepsi or Coke: neither….sprite! so I think that’s a pepsi product?
--McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's
--Adidas or Nike: Adidas
--Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: neither. Hot tea.
--Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
--Cappuccino or Coffee: Frappaccino count?
--Smoke: yes…occasionally.
--Cuss: who doesn’t?
--Sing: heck yes I do! Mostly in the shower though…shh! Don’t tell anyone.
--Take a shower every day of course.
--Have a crush(es):sure i do
--Are you gonna send this to him/her: no probably not, he wont care. heh
--Want to go to college: yeep.
--Do you think you've been in love: no.
--Want to get married: Yes.
--Believe in yourself: most of the time.
--Get motion sickness: no, not really.
--Think you're attractive: at times.
--Think you're a health-freak? HA! You’re kidding right?
--Like thunderstorms: yes, they’re so pretty.
--Play an instrument: vocals count? I can sing pretty damn well thank you.
LAYER SIX: In the past month...
--Drank alcohol: yes.
--Smoked: yes.
--Kissed: yes.
--If so who: Stephen.
--Gone to the mall?: no.
--Eaten an entire box of Oreos: damn that was last month.
--Eaten sushi: ew….no.
--Been on stage: no.
--Made homemade cookies: Heck yes!
--Gone skinny dipping: HAHAHA! Yeah…on Saturday.
--Dyed your hair: No.
--Stolen anything: not recently…
--Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes… heh
--If so, was it mixed company: yes… who plays with all the same sex?
--Been trashed or extrememly intoxicated: yes.
--Been caught "doing something": by the police count?
--Been called a tease: yes.
--Gotten Beaten up: no.
--Shoplifted: yes.
--Age you hope to be married: late 20's
--Numbers and names of children: 3 boys. Morgan, Porter, and Logan.
--Describe your dream wedding: haven’t really thought about it… probably somewhere on a beach…
--How do you want to die: whatever way I’m supposed to die
--Where do you want to go to college: anywhere in Colorado
--What do you want to be when you grow up: a labor and delivery nurse.
--What country would you most like to visit: Australia (oh wait that’s a continent) uh Ireland…yes. And Rome.
LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl...
--Best eye color: bright green.
--Best hair color: preferably brownish…maybe black.
--Short or long hair: depends on the guy
--Height: must be taller then me.
--Best Weight: who cares.
--Best articles of clothing: well…apparently I go for grunge…. so yeah…
--Best first date location: playing games…like go-cart racing…. Or laser-tag hehe.
--Best first kiss location: somewhere so random that it’s just perfect.
--Number of drugs taken illegally: one.
--Number of CDs that I own: well before they got stolen I had like 150 roughly…but now I think I only got like 70…
--Number of BURNED CDs that I own: like 50 out of those 70…heh.
--Number of piercings: 5
--Number of tattoos: none… yet.
--Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: like once…when I was born. lol
--Number of scars on your body: couldn’t tell you even if I wanted too….waaayyy too many to count…
--What are they from: uh…falling out of the tree house, falling out of a stopped car, soccer, being a tomboy…. (Explains itself)
--Number of things in my past that I regret: many…but you cant dwell on the past because like it says…its in the past. You cant change it, so you might as well make peace with yourself and get on with your life.
i was damn bored. so shove it.