Because my more stylish, prettier, younger and sexier spouse did this; I'll do it to.
☆ Screen Cap Meme ☆
Comment if you want me to screencap something on my computer, I'll post the pictures in my next entry!
Oh and I think I'm getting straight B's this semester on my report card, which is half depressing and half shameful. Like hello, I am Asian, anything not an A is just shameful. >:| But I am mellowing it out and going "Oh~ We have next semester 8D" and really, Changmin icon is like the story of my life. Haha. My heart still hurts though. ♥D:! Though I think
essyllus will be the only one to get this, LOL; MY ONLY A IS GOING TO BE FOR TOK. OH MY GOD.
I fail. ;~; BUT WE WILL TRY NEXT TIME, MORE EFFORT. 99% IS TRYING. WTF. SHINDONG. For everyone non-A I get next term, I will make very very ugly icons. So then, my flist will be like "THU, STOP LJ-ING. GO STUDY. NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THOSE ICONS AGAIN. D:!!" and yes. ♥♥ I am talking to myself.
Sometimes I consider giving up the Internet? D: Though I will suffer from major withdrawl but anyway, my friend is buying me Super Junior-M (hopefully). I love that girl. D: Who I feel is kind of like Sophie, because she too is only 13. -shot- And I don't know how to end this, but I'm going to go emo in the corner. Oh yes.