Profiler fic: Samantha's Dream

Aug 17, 2007 11:52

Title: Samantha’s Dream
Author: serialbathera
Fandom: Profiler
Prompt: 062 Spring. (fanfic100) , If thou and thy white arms were there,/And the fall to doom a long way. ~ Stephen Crane // The Black Riders and Other Lines (Fanfic_fiesta)
Challenge: None
Characters: Samantha Waters, Bailey Malone, Jack of All trades, Nick Cooper
Characters mentioned: None
Pairings: Jack/Sam
Rating: Pg-13
Warnings:  None
word Count: 1303
Summary:  After a long day, Samantha falls into a fantasy type dream, which is inspired by the writings of people like Robert E. Howard and H.P. Lovecraft
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters
Author’s notes: The sword that Jack has is not spelled incorrectly. It is indeed Ultra Violent, and not Ultraviolet.

Dr. Samantha Waters tucked a strand of blond hair behind her ear. She applied mascara to her lashes and some tinted pink lip gloss to her lips.  It was a beautiful spring day and she wished she could enjoy it instead of having to go to work. If she had it her way, the case would be in D.C. and not Atlanta, as the Japanese cherry blossoms were in bloom in D.C.   But that would probably be a distraction.

She checked herself one last time in the mirror, knowing that an escort in a town car was waiting outside for her because Bailey had told her what to expect.   She grabbed her keys and her soft leather briefcase and headed out the door.

A man in a dark suit was outside waiting for her, and he opened the door to let her in the backseat.   As they took off, Samantha wondered what Jack was doing.   She realized a few months ago that despite the fact he had killed a few people, she was in love with him. He managed to bring romance into her life, and he was the only person at times that seemed to know who she was deep down.

Samantha forced herself to get thoughts of Jack out of her head; no one would understand her attraction to him.   The rest of the day she forced herself to think about the case.

Eight hours later, she was at her desk. She was staring into space, and a few seconds later she fell into a long dream which went something like this:

Jack was a master of all trades, and also the king of the lost tribe of the Serkilles; he stood tall above most men.  He was a hero fighting to rid the world of all evil. His shoulder length blond hair always seemed to be picked up by a powerful breeze that had surrounded him since his birth many moons ago. The breeze was a gift bestowed on him by a wise man of the tribe, and he could call on the wind if he ever needed to in times of trouble.

The Serkilles were thought of as Barbarians, and it seemed most of the tribes in the nearby area had at one time tried to reform and rehabilitate them. For some reason their idea of reform led to many battles and much blood shed.

Jack had stopped many foes with his faithful sword, Ultra Violent. It was a blade said to be forged in the depths of Hell, and its searing blue glow had blinded many of those crazy men who had gotten a fool’s notion to challenge the great Jack.

Jack was envied by many, he wore only a thick chain mail that covered his chest, groin and upper legs;   His armor looked to weigh a thousand pounds though he wore it with ease. It seemed to be made of gold, silver, and titanium.    Many a fool had been intrigued by it and tried to remove it from him during the few times he took it off, usually when he was bathing. Arthur of Behar had reported that when he had lifted it, the armor had seemed to sink farther into the ground, and he wasn’t sure how one person could lift it, even Jack.

Jack was on a trek today. He was usually on treks when he wasn’t in battle. The King of the Vi’CTiFs, the good King Bail, had paid him handsomely to kill the mighty Lukas monster of the Green Grant River Valley.

Niko, the town’s cooper, had recently decided to learn the evil way of the Marksman of Brubaker. This is where he had learned to summon the mighty Lukas of the Green Grant River Valley.  With the evil being that was a combination of a squid, an octopus, and a lion, a monster with multiple limbs and dripping red fangs, Niko had decided to kidnap the Fair princess Sama. Sama was a blond goddess with a kindness for everyone.  She was one of the only maidens in the village who was allowed to remain unmarried, because her gift was empathy and she could see visions of evil. With her power, she helped the constables protect the people of the town.

Jack had to slaughter many a power hungry man in his treks, but he hoped he would not have to kill the Cooper. But if it came to that, there was nothing Jack could really do to stop it. He didn’t need the money given to him by the good King Bail, Jack’s only goal was to save the Fair Sama and take her home safely in one piece.

Jack saddled his trusty stead Jill, a faithful mare who had been with him for many a years. He rode for what seemed like days to the Green Grant River Valley, he could see the Fair Sama on the top of the Fraley-Alverez Mountain in the middle of the valley.

He climbed quickly to the top of it, where he saw Niko dressed similar to what Robin Hood might look like, except his garment was all blue, and he had no hat. Niko did appear to be carrying long sliver arrows, silver bow, and a white quiver that shone in the sunlight.

The Fair Sama was tied with several heavy ropes, high above the mountain gorge. Her long blond hair tied in a long braid, and draped only in a white piece of cloth wrapped carelessly around her thighs.

The monster was waiting below with a greedy hunger, occasionally reaching one of his slim dripped limbs to stroke the Fair Sama’s gleaming white breasts.

The Fair Sama attempted to scream but there was a paralyzing fear in her throat that wouldn’t let any sounds come through.   The Lukas Monster swung a limb up again, catching the edge of the flimsy white garment and exposing the Fair Sama’s nakedness.

Niko had a silver arrow in his bow, and was ready to hit Jack, but he wasn’t quick enough. Jack had unleashed the mighty Ultra Violent and slashed the bow in half. Both pieces fell to the dust lifelessly.

At that moment, the Lukas Monster had begun to pull the pole where the Fair Sama was on. The Monster intent seemed to be to smash the pole to bits.

Jack took all the energy he needed from his internal field, and summoned a large wind that picked up the Lukas monster and smashed it multiple times against the rocks. Jack let the wind take care of the monster and he used Ultra Violent to cut the ropes of the Fair Sama.  Just before the pole cracked and fell into the gorge, Jack freed the Fair Sama and set her on her feet at the edge of the cliff.

Niko swung his quiver at Jack and Jack swung Ultra Violent at the cooper. Jack slashed him across the chest, and sent him flying into the gorge to rest besides the body of the Lukas Monster.

Jack went over to Jill, and pulled a red blanket out of the saddlebag. He handed it to the Fair Sama, and helped her climb on the back of his horse. They started back to bring the Fair Sama back to the Good King Bail and the rest of the Vi’CTifs.

Bailey Malone shook Samantha awake, “We had another murder, and we’ve got to go.”

Samantha blinked hard as she lifted her head off the desk.  “I’ll be right there.” She wished she had been able to finish the dream. She had a feeling that the Fair Sama would have fallen in love with Jack and they would have gotten married, and lived happily ever after. She wondered if Jack of all Trades and Dr. Samantha Waters had the same destiny.

fanfic_fiesta, fanfic100, skewed, profiler

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