Title: Running late
Author: serialbathera
Fandom: Profiler
Prompt: 17 Brown
Challenge: None
Characters: Denzel the dog, Samantha Waters
Characters mentioned: None
Pairings: None
Rating: Pg-13
Warnings: none
word Count: 172
Summary: Samantha is running late for work, which is the perfect time to hide something
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters
Author’s notes: none
Denzel picked up the brown flat and brought it through the house. He looked for anyone in the house, didn’t see them, and so dropped the shoe from his mouth. He used his nose to slide the show under the couch, and laid down on the floor in the corner of the living room. He closed his eyes, and pretended to sleep.
Dr. Waters unwrapped the towel from her damp blond hair. She was running late, and managed to get dressed in matching undergarments, and a beige suit faster than she normally did. She knew which pair of shoes she would wear, a pair of brown flats.
She wasn’t sure where she had left them. She found one of the kitchen counters when she went to fill her travel mug with coffee. She slipped the show on. Then, Dr. Waters went searching through the house for the other show. She found it fifteen minutes later under the couch. She grabbed her leather briefcase, slipped the shoe on, and rushed out the door.