Title: Late Meeting
Author: serialbathera
Fandom: Profiler
Prompt: 036 Smell
Challenge: None
Characters: John Grant, Grace Alverez, Bailey Malone
Characters mentioned: None
Pairings: None
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word Count: 255
Summary: John has a cold, and doesn’t realize why no one wants to sit next to him.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters.
Author’s notes: none
Bailey Malone walked into the command center and was hit by strong smelling cologne. He wrinkled his nose, knowing instantly there was no way that it was coming from Dr. Alverez, so it must be coming from John Grant the only other team member present at the moment.
Grace had thoughtfully sat herself as far away from John as possible and looked like she was trying not to cough from the overpowering stench.
Bailey avoided sitting near to John, choosing to sit at the head of the table beside Grace. He felt a bit relieved that Grace wasn’t the one who had forgotten how to apply cologne. “Have you taken a shower in a few days? We can delay the meeting so you can, if you need one.”
John looked puzzled for a moment, “What is with you two today?” His voice seemed a bit different as if he had stuffed cotton up his nose.
“You’re covered in cologne, John.” Grace answered.
John sniffed his shirt. “I broke a bottle of cologne, but I didn’t think it was that bad, but I have a cold.”
Bailey chuckled. “With that amount of cologne, you think it would clear your sinuses.”
John scrunched his nose up a little.
“If you want to take a shower so we can all breathe, we can move the meeting back.”
John shrugged. “I guess I can.”
“Thank You,” Grace and Bailey said in unison.
They held their breath a second as John walked by them to go to the locker room.