Profiler fic: Rhythm of the Night

Feb 21, 2007 14:49

Title: Rhythm of the Night
Author: serialbathera
Fandom: Profiler
Prompt: title from a meme proposed by m_ravensblood
Characters: Grace, Bailey, two OC Characters
Characters mentioned: None
Pairings: Bailey/Grace
Word Count: 425
Warnings: none
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Grace finds a flyer for dance lessons in the mailbox. Since her divorce she had been feeling sad, so since it is one of the nights Morgan has the kids, she decides to take the class. She finds out on the first day of the class that Bailey has decided to take the same class. And one night during tango lessons, a steamy romance begins.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters of Grace, and Bailey
Author’s Notes: None

The pink flyer sat by Grace’s phone for three weeks before she decided she would stop fretting about it and does something for herself.
The next night, dressed in a simple black dress, and her brown hair pulled into a ponytail, she entered a small dance studio. She went to the reception desk, and paid the small fee to join the ballroom dancing classes that were to start tonight.
Grace was directed to a small studio. Inside she found four other people waiting, and was surprised a second later when her boss, Bailey Malone, walked into the studio.
He gave her a smile. “Gracie.” He gave her a brief hug. “I didn’t expect to see you here. What a nice surprise.”
Before they could say anything else, the dance instructors an almost European couple came into the room. They were wearing similar red outfits, and introduced themselves as Ilsa and Viktor.
Since, it was such a small class, each week they switched danced partners. They danced with both the same sex, and the opposite sex indiscriminately.
It wasn’t until the 8th week of class, when they were supposed to start learning the Tango, which Grace and Bailey were paired up.
“The Tango is a dance about mirroring and reading your partner.” Ilsa began, standing across from a female student in the class. “In a way it is like reading their minds. We always start by teaching the Tango, by spending the first class on it having you spend the class just dancing, and letting the music be your guide. And the next class we will get into the actual steps of the dance.”
Viktor started the music, and Bailey put one of his hands on Grace’s waist, and took the other hand. It seemed once Bailey took her hand, that a wave of electricity passed through them, as they started to dance.
Before they knew it, they had spent the whole hours dancing and talking, and the class was over.
Neither of them wanted to see the night end though. There were a few moments of silence as they gather up their stuff, then Bailey said. “Would you like to get something to eat?”
Grace smiled, blushing a little. “Are you asking me out on a date?”
Bailey smiled. “Maybe.” He chuckled softly, as a kid being caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
“I’d like that.” She adjusted her purse on her shoulder, and took Bailey’s hand. The electricity from when they danced was still there, and they walked out hand and hand.

grace, profiler, bailey

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