Title: Film Class musings
Author: Serialbathera
Fandom: Dawson’s Creek
Prompt: 100 Writer’s Choice
Characters: Dawson Leery
Characters mentioned: none
Pairings: none
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Word Count: 159
Summary: set during the first season, Dawson arrives for his first day of film class
Disclaimer: These characters are not owned by me
Dawson sat down in the desk in the back of the room. And even though Mr. Gold was only letting him observe the class, and not participate, Dawson was sure he was going to learn a lot.
He was excited about the chance to learn about films even if he couldn’t actually help. He still thought it was a stupid rule that only juniors and seniors could be in the class, especially since some of the people in this class didn’t have the love for movies that he did. He knew they were just taking it because they were looking for an easy class to take. Some of them had no ideas what movies were great, and what movies should be avoided.
And he hoped that the movie they made over the course of this class, even though he had no real saying on the matter, would be a masterpiece and not reflect some of his classmates’ bad taste.