Christmas fic for velvetwhip

Dec 18, 2006 12:22

Title: Grace of my heart
Fandom: Profiler
Ship: Jack/Grace
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A little Au set during "The House that Jack built"

Pt. 1
Dr. Grace Alverez tied her black curly hair back before she stepped out of her car into the drizzle. She walked quickly to the house wondering why it seemed so quiet. It seemed odd because usually her three poodles or her husband Morgan would greet her at the door when they heard her pull up.
The door was slightly open, and she called Morgan's name thinking that it might be some kind of game.
A man with shiny blue eyes greeted her at the bedroom door, his face was very solemn. "Dr. Alverez, I presume."
He smiled for a minute as if he knew perfectly well who she was. "I am afraid I have some bad news," He pulled out a business card that read 'Jack O'neal, CIA' and handed it to her. "I usually don't get involved you see, because the CIA is just supposed to monitor the FBI agents but when I heard the gun fire I had to investigate."
Grace took the card staring at it for a moment, and knowing somehow that something had happened to Morgan. "Can I see your credentials," She forced herself to ask him.
Jack nodded. "Certainly," He pulled them out showing them to her. "Your husband and his mistress Gwen apparently had a murder-suicide pact going. I found the note." He held up a folded letter in a plastic envelope. "I am going to have to escort you out since it is a crime scene you understand."
She nodded numbly, and he took her elbow and gently guided her down the stairs as the Atlanta PD CSU was coming in with the coroner.

Jack sat with Grace on the stoop outside her house, watching her with intent eyes. He had only planned to kill Morgan and leave Samantha a note, when as he was watching the house he saw the tramp who worked with Morgan pull up.
Jack knew in a few seconds that Morgan was cheating on Grace. Jack despised men who cheated on their significant others, and it had been a pleasure to set it up like a suicide-murder pact. It had come to him quickly when he heard Gwen yell at Morgan she was 4 weeks pregnant and that Morgan had to choose between her and Grace. Jack usually didn't kill little kids, but after watching Gwen and Morgan he wasn't sure if the baby was real at this point.
As Jack watched Grace he wondered if he hadn't fallen for Samantha, he was sure that if he had met Grace before he could have easily fallen for her. She was his type, the beautiful and brillant woman that could bring you to your knees.
Grace sipped on a stryofoam cup of coffee, one he had had one of the cadets get for him, and tried to hold herself together though Jack could tell that it was a struggle especially when the coroner started to bring the black bags out.
Jack patted her shoulder. "If there is anything you ever need let me know."
Grace gave him a half smile, as the tears slid down her face making her brown eyes seem brighter."Thank you."

grace, skewed, jack, profiler

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