Psych: A little bit of mistletoe

Aug 05, 2009 13:04

Title: A little bit of mistletoe
Author: Serialbathera
Fandom: Psych
Prompt: Lassister/ Shawn, shooting range
Characters: Shawn Spencer, Carlton Lassister
Word Count: 1089
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters
Summary: Shawn devises a plan to make Lassister kiss him.

Shawn had been having sexual dreams about Lassister since before Halloween. He thought they would go away, but as the days went by they seemed to be getting worse. A few weeks before Christmas, he realized that maybe his subconscious was trying to tell him that he had a crush on Lassister. (His thoughts had ways of thinking about Lassister when he wasn’t even working on a case.)

Shawn figured out a way to flirt with him, or in the least it would be a way to try to gauge Lassister’s feelings for him.

Four days before Christmas, Lassister was the only one who had rented space at the indoor shooting gallery. Shawn knew the owner and reserved a booth. He also asked the owner if it was okay to decorate.

The owner agreed as long as he could see the decorations. Shawn made sure to buy decorations that were very masculine and wouldn’t ruin the atmosphere of the range. (The only thing Shawn didn’t show him were the clumps of mistletoe he had bought to hang above each booth.)

The day of Lassister’s appointment, He rented a car from a local rental agency, because he didn’t want Lassister to spot Gus’s car in the parking lot. He had a feeling this plan might not work if anyone else showed up at the range. Shawn wanted to be able to make a silent getaway if someone did show up.

If Lassister didn’t see Gus’s car, he wouldn’t necessarily know that Shawn was there. Shawn didn’t want Lassister in anyway to think he was being ambushed. He wanted the moment to feel as natural as possible. (Well as natural as it could be when you find yourself standing under mistletoe with someone.)

Shawn ‘borrowed’ some guns from his father’s collection. He didn’t really plan on firing them. He had every intention of putting them back safe and sound in a few hours. Henry would be none the wiser, as he had gone on a fishing trip for a few days and wasn’t due back till Christmas Eve.

He had just finished hanging the last decoration when he heard footsteps in the outer hallway. He snuck into his booth quickly. He put on the required safety headphones and eyewear as if he was already into his shooting.

Shawn couldn’t be seen, but he liked the idea of playing the part that he had been shooting for awhile, even if that wasn’t the reason he was here. Shawn peeked around the partition in the booth.

He lucked out in the fact that Lassister was the one who walked in. His gray suit looked like he might have slept in it, his light eyes were watching the tiles on the floor.

To Shawn, it kind of looked like he had lost his best friend and he had to resist the urge to run over and give Lassister a long hug. If he revealed himself too quickly than the whole plan would be for nothing. He found himself watching Lassister.

He slide back into his booth, but just as he was about to, Lassister looked up, and directly at him as if he knew he had been there the whole time.

Lassister’s eyes became tiny slits as he glared at Shawn. “ I am not going to even ask when you are here, Spencer.”

Shawn thought his voice sounded less angry than it should be, more filled with apathy than usual. He watched quietly as Lassister took his gun out of his holster. Lassister set the gun on the table in his booth.

“You seemed kind of down, Lassie, what is up?” Shawn made sure to keep his both half-joking, so Lassister wouldn’t necessarily think that Shawn was really concerned for him. If Lassister thought that Shawn had sympathy or worse pity towards him, he would probably leave.

“Maybe I am tired of you stalking me.” Lassister spit out, as he slipped on his headphones.

“How do I know you aren’t stalking me?” Shawn countered, grinning.

Truthfully, for the last few months, he had tried his best to stay away from Lassister when they weren’t working. He hadn’t really figured out if Lassister was bisexual. Shawn was sure if Lassister didn’t believe in homosexuality, and thought Shawn liked him, he would find more reasons to try to keep Shawn off any of the cases that came into the station.

Shawn wondered if maybe this plan had been a mistake. Maybe he should just leave, and let Lassister have the range to himself.

Lassister didn’t acknowledge Shawn’s comment. He began to slowly load his gun.

Shawn forced himself to mentally count to ten. He then casually walked over to Lassister’s booth.

Lassister watched him out of the corner of his eye, as he put on the protective shades.

Shawn put his arm around Lassister in a chummy manner. He pointed upwards. “I think the owner went crazy, look he strung mistletoe above each of the booths. Who knew that the shooting range was the new place for romance.” He gave Lassister a playful grin, as if it was one of the funniest jokes in the world.

Shawn was expecting at this point that Lassister would push away from him, probably with an annoyed ‘Bah Humbug.’

What Lassister actually did was lean over and give Shawn a very soft five second kiss on the lips. He then pulled away from Shawn. A slight smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

Shawn struggled to figure out how to act now. He wasn’t sure if Lassister felt the same way about him, or if Lassister had kissed him for some other reason. Unfortunately, Shawn didn’t get the chance to ask because they both heard the sounds of footsteps in the outer hallway.

“If you tell anyone about this Spencer, I’ll kill you.” Lassister forced the smirk away, as he began to fire at the paper target hung up at the end of the range.

“I won’t.” Shawn found himself stammering. He moved away from Lassister’s booth to his own. All he really wanted to do now was plan how to get a second kiss out of Lassister, but he wasn’t sure he was going to be able to.

He took off his protective wear, and put the guns back in their cases. He wasn’t even paying attention to the person who had walked in.

Shawn went out the side door, knowing he would figure out another more brilliant plan to figure out how Lassister felt about him.
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