Alias: Visitor

Jan 28, 2008 12:24

Title: Visitor
Author: serialbathera
Fandom: Alias
Prompt: None
Challenge: None
Characters: Jack Bristow, Irina Devrekro
Characters mentioned: none
Pairings Jack/ Irina
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: None
Word Count: 319
Summary: Jack wakes up in his hotel room, to find someone has broken in.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters.
Author’s notes: Happy Birthday Melanie :)

A small patch of sunlight streamed into Jack Bristow’s hotel room, causing him to stir awake. He had thought he had closed the blinds before he went to sleep, and now he saw that it wasn’t the case. His body tensed as he sat up, and reached for his gun. He didn’t hear a sound in the room.

His eyes adjusted to the minimal amount of light, and he noticed that a figure was sitting very patiently in the chair near the window. He pointed his gun in that direction and the figure flipped on the lamp nearby.

An attractive woman sat across the room. She had a blond wig, dark sunglasses, and was wearing a Chinese style red dress with an elaborate dragon pattern in gold thread working its way around the garment. She gave him a smile, not saying anything. The smile seemed to say she knew that even though she was wearing a wig, he would recognize her instantly.

Jack narrowed his eyes, regarding her. He fought the urge to shoot her to see her reaction, though if he knew her like he thought, she might not be that surprised. “Should I even ask how you got in my hotel room?” He kept the gun trained on her.

“I told them I was your wife, and they gave me a spare key.” Her voice was soft and cultured, and, as always, made Jack feel butterflies in his stomach.

Jack put his gun away. “You could have crawled in bed with me, then.” His voice was half-teasing.

“Then, you might have really shot me.” Her eyebrows lifted playfully, as she got up in a graceful movement and walked over towards him.

She sat on the bed next to him.

He carefully pulled off the blond wig, tossing it across the room. He pulled her into a deep kiss. “I’m glad you came.” He whispered softly between kisses.


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