Title: Married Life: Marcus (part 1)
Author: serialbathera
Fandom: Profiler
Prompt: 098. Writer’s Choice (Chocolate)
Challenge: None
Characters: Marcus Peyton, Grace Alverez, little georgie
Characters mentioned: None
Pairings: Marcus/Grace
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Word Count: 185
Summary: Marcus and Grace share a happy martial moment.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters
Author’s notes: None
Marcus Peyton held the box behind his back as he let himself into the house. He didn’t want his wife to see it before he was ready to show her.
He found Grace in the kitchen; she was helping Georgie build a volcano for his fourth grade science fair project. She was a lovely sight with her wavy hair pulled back, and wearing a white apron. She was painting the volcano.
“Hey,” Marcus gave them both a smile.
“Hey dad.” Georgie said, not looking up from the little dinosaur he was painting. He was going to put the dinosaur and his plastic buddies around the volcano.
“Hey, love.” Grace smiled.
He came over and gave her a kiss, and set the box on an empty spot on the counter.
“What is this?” Grace wiped her hands on the apron, and unwrapped the gold wrapping.
“Sweets for my sweet.”
She tossed the wrapping paper into the trash, and opened the box. She offered Georgie and Marcus a chocolate. “Thank you, dear.”
“You’re welcome,” he said taking out a chocolate and popping it playfully into her mouth.