Profiler: Path to Odin part 3b

Oct 16, 2007 15:42

Seperate AN: this is a bit shorter than the other parts, but that is because I wanted to include the next section with the next part.

Title: Path to Odin Part 3b(age 11)
Author: serialbathera
Fandom: Profiler
Prompt: 039 Taste, (fanfic100), Philip Nichols’s Childhood.
Challenge: None
Characters: Philip Nichols, Rebecca Pennywise, Royce Nichols
Characters mentioned: Edward Nichols
Pairings: None
Rating: Pg-13
Warnings: Child Abuse, mention of sex
word Count: 516
Summary: What happened to make Philip Nichols want to become a cult leader? This is his untold story of what happened to make him want to start his own family.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters
Author’s notes: For Meg, as per her request.

Philip realized when he woke up that he wasn’t sure he’d be able to sit. This hadn’t been the first time after a beating he had to deal with that.

He went into the bathroom next to his room, which was mainly his bathroom, so he didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing what he had. It was only 4pm according to the clock on the wall, which meant Philip hadn’t blacked out as much from the pain as he had last time.

He opened his medicine cabinet. It was filled with bottles of aspirin that he had acquired with his allowance. Royce had opened an account for both boys, and they were allowed to take out whatever money they wished. Royce had mainly did it so that Philip wouldn’t ask him for anything, not that he ever did. Edward’s account had been opened because their father loved him.

Philip pulled out a bottle and opened it. He shook two aspirin into his hand, and popped them into his mouth without tasting them. He turned on both taps on the faucet, and stuck his head under the sink to drink for a few moments.

Philip turned the faucets off, after he pulled his head from under the sink. He then climbed carefully into the claw foot tub, turning the cold water tap on full blast. He let the tub fill in almost full before he turned the water off. He soaked there for a long time, hoping that some of the pain would dissipate.

Two days later, on a Saturday Philip was waling through the house since he couldn’t think of anything else to do. Edward had gone to a birthday party, and Royce was supposed to be at work.

Philip wasn’t sure where Penny was, but he wasn’t entirely looking for her either. He didn’t really care for her, since she seemed to be snubbing him more lately.

Philip had decided since his father wasn’t there, he would play in the secret tunnels. He was pretending to be Conan the Barbarian going through the jungle.

He was just about to fight a deadly monster that had been sneaking up on a small tribe of picts, as he approached the part of the tunnel behind his father’s study. He heard a female moaning sound, and it made him wonder if there was a real person in trouble in the house.

Philip peered through the books, only to find Penny on top of his father’s desk. Her skirt was pulled down to her wait, and her shirt and bra were off, exposing skin. Philip had no time to contemplate woman’s anatomy though, because his father had his pants and boxers pulled down, and was doing something over Penny.

They were moving together like animals, both grunting and moaning. Philip covered his eyes, and quickly started to the familiar sanctuary of his room. He wasn’t sure what exactly they were doing, but he knew that there was no way he could ever trust Penny again. She was under Royce’s power, and not an ally for Philip anymore.

pre-series, fanfic100, profiler, path to odin, philip nichols

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