Name: Nepeta Leijon
Background: Nepeta Leijon is a green-blooded troll who was hatched and raised in the mountainous depths of Troll-China. Her lusus, Pounce de Leon, is a large, two-mouthed cat, and her hive (which is actually more cave than hive) is supposedly on a mountainside on the outskirts of troll civilization, though she did have means of communication by way of trollian and her tablet-PC. She grew up learning to hunt for her own food, as there was of course no Troll Wal-Mart in the vicinity of her home. Not there is one in any of troll-land, of course. That'd be just ridiculous.
Nepeta is also a shipper, and she uses the blood from her kills to paint her cave walls. One such wall is dedicated to nothing but shipping, and it is split into two parts: matesprit (the troll equivalent of human romance) and moirail (platonic soul bros who watch each other's backs). There are actually four quadrants, but Nepeta is only interested in the redroms; black romances, which delve into hatred, are not in her interests, and as such, there is no room for that on her shipping wall. She is very serious about her shipping chart, going so far as to painting each and every individual ones and editing each one as needed. Naturally, because she draws so much, Nepeta is of course an artist (or perhaps it's the other way around). For this reason she has a tablet-PC instead of a normal husktop like other trolls do.
She is great friends with Equius Zahhak, a blue-blood, and goes so far as to even being his moirail. While she teases him often and often expresses her dislike for his obsession over the hemospectrum, Nepeta places great trust in her moirail. She also believes that he is a bit scary, but at the same time, not as bad as other trolls think he is. Nepeta is often given orders by Equius, and, while she always protests against him verbally, and sometimes vehemently dislikes his attitude (as well as the order in the first place), but in the end, she listens, because she knows that he knows what's good for her. Or she's just scared of him. But it's probably the former, and maybe a tiny bit of the latter.
Nepeta also has a bit of a flushed crush on Karkat. This may or may not be because of their involvement in relationships (Nepeta is a shipper and Karkat often has romance advice for their fellow troll friends). Nepeta has them both on her matesprit shipping chart as the largest picture, also labeling it her "OTP"(one true pairing). However, she has not yet summoned up the courage to confess to him, and she keeps her crush a grave secret (NO ONE CAN KNOW!!!!!!11!!!1one). Unfortunately, she does not know whether Karkat actually does have a matesprit or not.
As stated above, Nepeta isn't interested in black romances, and this also most likely applies to herself as well. Being that she already has a moirail and she has a potential matesprit in mind, Nepeta is content with her quadrants. It is most likely that with any advance, she will reject it outright. This could mean she is either very serious about her matesprit crush, or she is just really really infatuated. It might be a little bit of both.
Personality: Nepeta is a generally light-hearted troll, and is one of the very few, very sane trolls there are (though her sanity is demerited by Karkat due to her roleplaying). Despite the fact that she does hunt for her food, and kills on a daily basis, she is gentle, and wouldn't kill unless she had to in order to survive. She is also very resourceful and not wasteful, as she uses most every part of the animals she kills (the skin/fur for some of her own clothing, the blood to decorate her cave, etc. etc.).
Nepeta is very loyal to her friends and is able to keep secrets-- one such secret being the fact that Aradia was actually dead in the original canon of Homestuck. But while that probably isn't happening here, that doesn't necessarily mean she can't be the best secret keeper anyway! Plus, she has her own secret to keep, hehehehe.
Title: Rogue of Heart
Planet: The Land Of Little Cubes And Tea (yes, LOLCAT)
Chumhandle/Color: arsenicCatnip
:33 < *ac types with a cute cat purrc33ding her text which is really her lusus pounce de leon because she is the cutest cat that she has ever s33n!*
:33 < *she also tends to have lots of catty puns in her text*
:33 < *but this is because she is a cat of course!*
:33 < *she also likes to roleplay while she is talking to someone and often will talk in third purrson!*
:33 < *
Other: WOW I feel so pawful turning this thing in for an app 8|a;;; I will fix it up soon, promise ;;
also if there is a problem or anything just let me know! o: