Like I mentioned, I'm working backwards here, just easier I guess.
Thursday morning we woke up and met Mike's brother Jason, Mike's mom Linda and her significant other, Edward Earl (he's an absolute HOOT!!) for breakfast at the IHOP again. It was nice to have just the five of us together before we had to say goodbye - we're all leaving for different parts - Virginia, Arizona, Florida...who knows when we'll be able to get together again... We joked for most of the breakfast, which was really, really nice. Afterward, I was able to get a shot of Linda and her boys:
and then a shot of Linda and her boys and me:
Now that I'm thinking about it I should have tried to find someone to take a picture of all of us including Edward Earl! So rude of me...or I should have at least taken a photo of Linda and Edward Earl.
I'm going to have to get one of those double frames so I can put the photos together - the one of Linda and the guys and then the other of the guys and Linda and I. Personally, I look at these photos and I see so much in them, but what strikes me the most is how handsome and beautiful I find my husband to be. Not that I don't think he's a cutie all the time, but something about these photos just...dunno...can't explain it.
Outtakes behind the cut
Who knows what was being said but I love Linda's face in the next two photos. These were the first two I took and had to finally get them all to stop kidding around so I could get at least one nice picture.