(no subject)

Dec 16, 2009 21:14

So I uploaded some new userpics, I decided to choose them all in my folder first and then upload them all *nods* Only SPN + cast ones so far but i love them all. My new default icon is the best ever!

Um I've nearly paid for all of my holiday now, I just have my London accomodation left which I dont need to pay til two weeks before (and the whole time Sandra was telling me this all I oculd think about is how much I would be freaking out at two weeks because it'd only be TWO WEEKS TO GO) OMG Im so excited.

So they want me to change teams next year at work, my boss thinks Im not being challenged enough in my current role. Which is fine I guess, I mean I dont really care and she seems to have faith in me that I could do the job just fine but I dont want to move until after I've gone away next year, I dont want to learn something new and then forget it all when Im on leave for 6 weeks.

At work today I kept getting these ideas for my Shelter moodtheme and had to keep writing them down LMAO.

Its only wednesday guys! It feels like Friday, i am so ready for the weekend. I have one ep left of Bones to download so saturday night I shall be having a marathon. And then I will be all caught up YAY!

shelter, userpics, moodtheme, real life, superatural, bones, holiday

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