(no subject)

Aug 17, 2008 20:15

I don't know which is more depressing. The fact that I know I can never afford to go to PSC without giving up everything, including moving out, or the fact that I wouldn't be good enough to get in anyway.
I got so upset at the open day that I got teary.
I'm going to try and start saving, but unless I take out a loan from the bank or PSC get government fee help then there's no point even trying.

Interesting things have happened in the last few days. Mainly just one. Our manager was asked to leave. He was still on probation so the owners are allowed to ask him to leave immediately. So Friday afternoon was incredibly interesting. I don't feel that sorry for him...maybe if he'd actually tried and hadn't blatantly lied so many times I would have. I'm just more annoyed because I'd asked for a pay rise at the start of the week and he told me that was fine and we'd discuss it.

I've changed my theme for my printmaking project. I've decided to base it around breast cancer, seeing as I'm working in a cancer unit, and just produce plates looking at the female body etc etc. Just an excuse to draw boobs, which I seem to be doing a lot :/

Some kids were protesting against(?) Scientology at Flinders yesterday. Surprisingly they didn't want to actually say what exactly they were protesting, aside from Scientology. Don't you think that's a little odd for protesters? Next generation of rent-a-crowd I guess
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