tic tac toe

Jul 12, 2004 19:14

i thought that the days of shanking were over. but apparently, in college, it's still cool to shank people. princeton lacrosse players, in fact, find it amusing to entertain their campers by showing their friends asses. one shanked a friend who was COMMANDO. not cool. one bus saw her fronts, my bus saw her bottom. i commend her on not crying, and i thank god that i was caught up putting on a sticker earring when this occurred.

something i've been contemplating in depth this weekend is: if you could be an animal, what would you be? at first, i went with ultimate predators or animals that can live both on land and in water. no, no...now, i'm thinking that insect that looks like a leaf. i think that would be so cool! to be able to just pose and know that someone thinks you're a leaf. haha...
i asked someone this question. after she went through lion, shark, and similar animals, she decided on a seal. i'm not sure why, but i think that's interesting that someone would chose to be a seal out of all animals!

to something less air-headish:
i've noticed how teenagers generally see change as a negative. when someone changes, it's always bad...why?! maybe they're becoming who they want to be, maybe maturing...maybe! it's possible that we're just afraid of change and unknown; i know that i can speak for myself in saying that the unknown is frightening. part of that could be that we haven't "come into our own," so we find it difficult to picture ourselves in something new if we don't know where exactly we'll fit. does anyone have any other thoughts on this? i'm curious to know what you, the people, have got to say.

nap time has arrived!
tomorrow i try to get my license...TRY. (if this is aim, i would put the smiley that has the diagonal line and slanted eye brows, just an fyi)
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