Jun 01, 2009 11:56
HEART IT! For realz, u gaiz!
So, after fighting with last.fm for a while last Friday, we finally came to an agreement. I started furiously "Love"ing all those songs I turned up so loud and sang obnoxiously along to in the '90's. And I have rediscovered songs and bands I forgot existed!!! Like "Little Black Backpack" by Stroke 9 (I seriously didn't even know who these guys were), and Mad Season (I thought two of their songs were by Alice in Chains and couldn't figure out why I couldn't find them!), and omg Primitive Radio Gods!
RADIO DJ'S OF THE '90'S! Where were you when we needed you???? You had to call the stations to find out what you'd been listening to, and they told you to stop calling after the fifth call in an hour. It's like, well, dude, if you'd tell me WTF this super-awesome-tastic song was, I would leave you alone!
But now, I have this most Glorious of Tools.
Aside from that, the weekend was good. Winter and I went outside and colored on the sidewalk. We made an Oriental Dragon (I am quite proud of the shading on it), a rat, a creek, a volcanic island being attacked by a fire-breathing stick-person giant wading through the ocean, a unicorn, and a donkey biting the end of the unicorn's tail off (this last was courtesy of Kevin). Kevin took us to Buffalo Wild Wings (*gasp!* a date) and we walked around the south end of town for a while. Laundry got done, I finished yet another Robin Hobb book (FitzChivalry continues to be the biggest dumbass ever, and I am reading these books more and more for the sake of The Fool aka Lord Golden). And Winter and I played Battleship and Connect Four.
And also, if you are calling inquiring about ONLINE programs, and you do not have internet access NOR do you have an email address, I am going to be very dubious about your ability to enroll and complete said online degree program. I will not tell you this, as that is poor customer service, but I will think it with my brain. And when you tell me over and over you want something mailed and then start telling me you want to go to the extension office to pick up some materials, I will tell you again "I'm sorry, but we simply have no printed marketing to provide to you. I would be happy to send you an email, but that is all I can do." *sigh* For realz, gaiz. All I can do is send an email. Ya Rly!