A Song of Ice and Fire

Jun 11, 2006 19:16

Well, I finally started ready A Feast for Crows this weekend. I preordered the book about a year ago, received it about six months ago, and finally got up the nerve to read it yesterday. I read for an hour in the car on the way to San Marcos yesterday afternoon - only made through 36 pages (I'm a slow reader), which was only an appetizer. At about 12pm today, after finishing the major sunday chores, I settled down on the couch and dove into the book. The TV hasn't been turned on once since. And other than occasionally getting up to switch loads of laundry, have bites to eat, refill my water, and use the WC, I haven't stopped reading since. I'm now knee deep in the book (page 173 - I'm a REALLY slow reader) and can't put it down! This series is one of the FEW that has been able to capture me like that. And now that I know the name of the next book, A Dance with Dragons, I can look forward to even more ASoIaF goodness. BUT, even though I'm an extremely slow reader, we all know that there is NO WAY George will have book number five out by the time I'm done with this one. :(

Well, back to reading and laundry.
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