Marks Made (SPN, Sam/Dr Cara, 4000 words, E)

Sep 15, 2015 21:25

Title: Marks Made
Fandom: SPN
Rating: E
Pairing: Sam Winchester/Cara Roberts
Characters: Sam Winchester, Cara Roberts, Dean Winchester (peripheral)
Warnings: references to past sexual trauma, panic attacksWordcount: c.4000
AO3 link

Summary: 'If you’d asked her yesterday, what was his name, she’d have told you she’d forgotten: told you, maybe, that she ( Read more... )

sam winchester, angst, het fic, sam x dr cara

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Comments 9

annie46 September 16 2015, 09:18:19 UTC
I loved this - you write Sam so well and - as a Sam girl - I admire that. I like that you paint Sam as so damaged because it is clear he would be specially after Gadreel.

And I know this is only fiction right? But I hope that he calls her!!


themegalosaurus September 16 2015, 11:21:54 UTC
Thank you so much; if I've managed to please my fellow Sam girls then I'm happy. And yes, I think that at this stage Sam's relationship with his body must be so messed up that this kind of physical connection with another person would be very difficult for him. But also I feel like it would be something he'd think about a lot and feel regretful and frustrated and probably kind of inadequate about, and not really have a way to deal with it.

I hope he calls her too. I like to think he will.


madebyme_x September 16 2015, 14:57:03 UTC
I loved what you did with this fic!!!

You explored Sam's body issues, especially after Gadreel, perfectly here through his relationship with Dr Cara. I liked how understanding she was, and how similar their lives were at that point, and how you reminded us of that fact.

You did a wonderful job with this fic, it felt perfectly in tune with canon as well as Sam's personality. Thank you for sharing :)


themegalosaurus September 16 2015, 19:20:30 UTC
Thank you! Sam's body issues are a source of endless fascination to me and when one of my friends suggested a revisitation of Dr Cara I thought it was the perfect opportunity. I'm really glad that you thought it felt real.


caranfindel September 17 2015, 19:13:19 UTC

Love this.


themegalosaurus September 18 2015, 14:32:59 UTC
YES I did and I thought of you when I posted it! I tagged you on Tumblr but maybe it didn't work or you've not been on (I guess with the need to avoid spoilers, Tumblr is not your friend). Anyway yes, you are like my solid gold Dr Cara-loving pal so I was waiting for/hoping you'd see this!

Anyway, as such, I'm glad you liked it :-)


caranfindel September 20 2015, 14:17:28 UTC
Yes, I've been avoiding Tumblr for the most part, but I did find your post and you forgot to tag me in it. BAD GIRL.


ash48 October 3 2015, 00:49:33 UTC
Oh wow. Such an emotionally charged, thoughtful piece. The thing that really struck me is how tense and wound-up Sam is. Always is. You captured that so perfectly and then as the story unfolded it felt like Sam was beginning to relax. I actually had a tear when they were having breakfast and he was finally relaxing and Dean arrived and his tension was back. She was imagining a life with Sam and could see the potential for him in that scenario also. GUH. So moving, so perfect. The exploration of Sam's past sexual trauma - and trauma in general, was beautifully handled.

This is the Sam I ache for. The one that makes me love him as a character, but also feel so deeply for him.

Thank you for sharing it.


themegalosaurus October 5 2015, 00:25:36 UTC
aww thank you for the lovely comment.

yes, i think sam is super tense all the time lately and it worries me (like basically the whole of the moc storyline especially has sam trembling with anxiety pretty much all the time) so i am glad that came across. i wish that he could have this kind of an interlude in real life (... in canon), even if it would have to be only an interlude... and i'm glad it felt appropriately handled, i was kind of anxious because it's a sensitive issue! thanks again!!


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