Fic: Spare Tyre (SPN RPF, J2, 900 words, PG-13)

Sep 03, 2015 16:37

Title: Spare Tyre
Fandom: SPN RPF
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: J2
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki
Warnings: none
AO3 link

Summary: It's not Jensen's fault that he's a little insecure.
Author's note: I got this idea when somebody sent me a Tumblr 'make me choose', Jared's tummy or Jensen's tummy? I didn't wanna lie about my unparalleled Read more... )

schmoop, j2, fluff, spn rpf

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Comments 12

quickreaver September 3 2015, 16:47:48 UTC
You are the most adorable thing ever, missy. This is my id on parade. :D


themegalosaurus September 4 2015, 11:43:04 UTC
hahaha thank you, it's pretty much RAW UNADULTERATED SCHMOOP so I'm glad that's to your taste...!


fireheart13 September 4 2015, 00:58:01 UTC
hahahaha i love this!!!


themegalosaurus September 4 2015, 11:43:21 UTC
thank you!!


madebyme_x September 4 2015, 10:37:13 UTC
He he - this was sweet and funny! A perfect combination!


themegalosaurus September 4 2015, 11:43:37 UTC
thanks! i definitely enjoy writing super fluffy j2 to balance out all the wincest angst hahaha


sillie82 September 4 2015, 18:29:03 UTC
Awww, this was so great, I loved it. Jensen's tumtum is the best. <3<3


themegalosaurus September 7 2015, 16:51:13 UTC
i quite agree!!


emmatheslayer September 11 2015, 21:38:29 UTC
this is adorable so cute


themegalosaurus September 16 2015, 00:11:03 UTC
Thank you!!


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