Ashes (Supernatural, Dean/Sam, 1000 words, complete)

Jul 02, 2014 05:02

Title: Ashes
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: R
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Characters: Sam, Dean
Word count: 1000
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warnings: language; sex (nothing too graphic)
Spoilers: Through 9.05
AO3 link

Summary: Since the trials, Dean won't touch Sam, and Sam doesn't know why. Author's notes: Just because of how strange it was to think of Sam ( Read more... )

sam winchester, angst, supernatural, slash, dean winchester, season 9

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Comments 14

fanspired July 2 2014, 04:20:27 UTC
I don't have the heart to read much of the fic that's written for recent seasons, but you understand Sam, and you understand who Dean _should_ be.


themegalosaurus July 2 2014, 13:45:49 UTC
Thanks so much for commenting! it makes me so happy that you think I understand Sam!

Also: I'm kind of interested in the recent seasons fic, I think because I've read so much of the S1-3 stuff (which is lovely, don't get me wrong). The later seasons give you some interesting variations in the boys' relationship.


ash48 July 2 2014, 14:18:21 UTC
*meep*. "It will always be yes to you". :,|

Even as an AU this gets to the heart of the issues that arose between them. Nicely done.


themegalosaurus July 3 2014, 01:10:58 UTC
Thanks! I was just obsessing about the creepiness of Sam having another being inside him and not even knowing about it, all those moments when he comes back into focus and Dean's halfway through talking to somebody else. Weird. And then I thought EVEN MORE WEIRD (and thus, more angsty) with added Wincest!!


rianadrarrylove July 3 2014, 08:21:49 UTC
oh my god oh my god oh my god why yOUR SAM BROKE ME ohmygod your sam is what my sam is inside my head, literally just so fucking broken and the pieces are held together by dean and his own will oh mygod this broke my heart and i love it so much


themegalosaurus July 3 2014, 12:12:03 UTC
Argh! Sorrynotsorry for breaking your heart!! It does sound like our inner Sams are the same ('held together by his own will' - exactly). Thanks so much for reading and commenting : )


firesign10 July 3 2014, 19:13:09 UTC
That was exquisitely done!! Sam's despair and confusion, his whole concept of being burnt hollow, just perfect. Poor Dean, having to refuse them both, until he can't bear Sammy's pain and self-loathing. Really well-done.


themegalosaurus July 4 2014, 11:59:23 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm glad you thought the burnt-out thing worked and yes, I agree, poor Dean. I did feel sorry for him during the first half of S9, realising that he had probably done something bad and not being able to stop it


beautiful_day33 July 4 2014, 07:11:26 UTC
And this is why I love angst so much, masterfully done, thank you, hun.


themegalosaurus July 4 2014, 11:58:17 UTC
Aww thanks! Isn't it weird how enjoyable a bit of EMOTIONAL PAIN can be


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