Touch and Go (Supernatural, 3188 words, complete)

Jun 25, 2014 03:11

So... I should be posting a new chapter of my longer fic but I have had this idea in my mind all week so in the end I just had to write it and get it out of my system. Next bit of I Don't Trust Me should be up tomorrow or Thursday. I'm pretty happy with this so yes... please let me know what you think!

Title: Touch and Go
Fandom: Supernatural
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sam winchester, gen, supernatural, season 9, jody mills, angst, hurt/comfort, dean winchester

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Comments 57

zana_zira June 25 2014, 03:27:32 UTC
themegalosaurus June 25 2014, 14:01:55 UTC
Ahhhh complete incomprehensibility: the highest compliment. I'm glad you liked it!


cappy712 June 25 2014, 03:38:00 UTC
Dang that was something. I would love to see the tats....

Here's to hoping Sam gets the tat back very soon....

Thank you for sharing.


themegalosaurus June 25 2014, 13:55:38 UTC
I also would love to see the tatts, when I wrote this I was secretly hoping somebody who is better at drawing than I was might wanna make some art to accompany... and yes I am desperate for them to fix the tattoo. But given that the Samulet has yet to make a reappearance, I'm not counting on it actually happening


ithuriel788 June 25 2014, 04:26:41 UTC
This was completely awesome. I love limp!sam and self-harm Sam, but a lot of stories along those lines are kind of generic - I mean, they could probably be re-used in other fandoms with minor modifications. This story was about SAM.


themegalosaurus June 25 2014, 13:56:11 UTC
'completely awesome'?! You are too kind. I'm glad you liked it :)


septembers_coda June 25 2014, 07:03:03 UTC
Interestingly, I've read a lot of stories guilt-tripping Sam about things he's done to/didn't do for Dean (Sam didn't look for Dean! Dean went without food as a kid! he'd do anything for his little brother!). I got a little tired of those, and never understood why there were so many of them, and so few (if any) of the reverse. So thanks for this; it felt very necessary. It really addressed a lot of concerns I had (including how Sam could bleed about a gallon and get up and walk away all chipper). Dean really needed to see inside Sam for once. So much more of this type of understanding needs to happen between the brothers. <3


themegalosaurus June 25 2014, 13:58:31 UTC
Oh gosh. I love Dean lots and I don't think Sam was being totally fair saying Dean saved him only for selfish reasons; but I definitely get frustrated at his inability to see things from Sam's POV. He's always so ready to blame Sam for stuff (even when those things are TOTALLY NOT SAM'S FAULT i.e. the whole existence of Soulless Sam) and then he's like 'but I still love you' and I'm thinking 'but you should love him BECAUSE of all these things not DESPITE them!' Poor Sammy!


themegalosaurus June 25 2014, 14:02:46 UTC
Also: Sam gets guilt-tripped so much in the show I don't feel like it needs to happen even more in fanfiction!


evelyncarver June 25 2014, 08:35:25 UTC
Wow, this was really cool. Although I can't help but think back to the examples we've seen of Sam's artwork :) I hope he's improved since he pretended to be a sketch artist.

I really liked Sam's reaction when he woke up and realised he was missing events, how did he get to his bedroom? I never thought about that before, but it seems like something that would scare him now.


themegalosaurus June 25 2014, 13:59:52 UTC
Hahaha I hadn't thought about Sam's mediocre art skills. Hopefully he'll be okay if it's just copying sigils. Nothing too photorealistic.

That thing about missing time was one of the initial ideas that got me writing this fic. Like that bit in the car where Sam wakes up and 50 miles are missing and Dean's like 'eh, the trials' and you think really? Surely Sam's going to end up a bit psyched out by this. So I'm glad it made sense to you


jennytork June 28 2014, 12:28:43 UTC
Perhaps Sam is like me in reverse. The only thing I can draw well is people. Perhaps Sam can draw anything well BUT people. Remember the realistic tree he drew in "Home"?


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