So working bridal retail is rather different from working basically any other retail, ever. For one thing, our busy season stars just AFTER Christmas is over rather than the usual retail madness. Saturday was one of our first busy-ish days. It wasn't too bad because we just hired a ton of new staff (who are still learning how to do their jobs of course) but it was definitely more than our normal staff could handle. I got proof of the increased traffic stomped into me. Yes, literally stomped. Mostly an accident, but partially my own fault for being unintentionally sneaky walking up behind my boss. She turned, stepped on my foot with her boot heel and continued turning with her weight on it before she realized that I was there. Ow. So I've got a bruise on my foot so epic that I've been taking progress photos that I refuse to post on facebook to avoid making her feel worse about it. Which means you lot get to see them instead! How lucky.
Day One, about five hours after the fact when I finally got to take my break.
Day Three, aka the first day I had off and wasn't running around the store on, you know, my feet. Comparison to my other foot too, note how the bruise has expanded down to my toes now...
Day Four. Today. Doesn't hurt as bad as it had been, still looks pretty awful. I'm really wondering how long it's going to take this one to fade.
On the plus side, said boss feels like she owes me beer for maiming my foot. I'll take that!
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