Jan 19, 2010 18:28

So it dawned on me earlier as I was participating in
♚ THE Merlin Friending Meme! ♛ ► MY THREAD.
Which is not something I normally do, but hey, I like new people? But it dawned on me that I've barely updated in like, a few months. So hello, world! I'm alive.

So what's going on in the world of Meg QUICK RECAP!!

• Still looking for a job. Someday, this search will be lucrative.
• Applying to UNC at Chapel Hill for the archival science program. Went and visited it last week after mum dragged me into Raleigh with her so that I could judge her students' science fair projects. I wondered most of the morning how I got talked into these sorts of things as it involved me waking p at 4:45am. PAINFUL! But Chapel Hill is lovely and I only got a little lost. It's definitely where I hope to be next year.
• I'm still dating Matt. And like, officially dating him. On facebook even. Which still sometimes strikes me as surreal because I've been living in that transitory world for so long, where I'm always leaving for a long ways away very soon so there's no use getting attached. I'm still not entirely not-leaving, but Chapel Hill is not in the category of a long ways away in the least.
• I'm doing laundry, which I still hate, but I hate a little less when it doesn't cost me 8 euros to do in addition to having to haul it around. This is a plus.

Yeah, that's about it for the RL stuff. See why I haven't updated overly much? Not much going ON.

Now for the internetly/fandomy/televisiony stuff.

• Totally addicted to Chuck now. Oh my god, give me geeky spy shows any day of the week, I love it.
• WHITE COLLAR STARTS BACK TONIGHT. I think this may be the cutoff for Jeff Eastin's twitter war with Matt Nix--Go follow White Collar creator @jeffeastin if you aren't already!!
• I'm still sort of sad that I don't have Merlin to look forward to every Saturday at the moment.
• Doctor Who End of Time: Apparently not very liked by the fen 'round these parts, but I enjoyed it despite its failings. I don't tend to get upset with shows unless they like, kill people off that I really don't want killed off [IANTO] or do something really, really stupid and against everything I think the show stands for. I'm a pretty easy fan to please, honestly, when it comes to the canon material! Though some episodes do make me happier than others.
• SOMEONE OUT THERE: explain to me what was going on with Charlie being on Fringe last Monday? Didn't see the Thursday episode, was watching Grey's. But I am so confused. Also what's up with the Monday 9pm spot on Fox?
• SPEAKING OF FOX- I don't really believe they're honestly going to revamp Torchwood for an American audience. It might be wishful thinking, but I doubt they'll follow through on that one.
• Also behind on House on account of it being on at the same time as Chuck. Not cool, guys. Not cool. So many of my shows are in conflict with eachother!! Clearly this is a problem with the TV people and does not mean I watch too many shows. Obviously.
• Someday I'll finish watching SG-1 and get going on my to-watch list again. Provided people stop adding to it, that is.

Actually, I've been kinda lazy in this aspect of my internet life lately. Cardiff is doing well enough, quiet. Anachronismos is newly opened and doing pretty well for a new game, I think! I need to do stuff in both sometime in the near future...Also doing stuff in my musebox for shits & giggles.

Writing a Chuck/White Collar crossover and trying not to think about exactly how many WIPS I have in my files. But then, I don't usually post things/share them unless they're complete, so NO ONE HAS TO KNOW how many of those there really are!! But I do plan to finish/clean up/eventually post this one. So there.

Created chuckxbryce and made a rec list and really need to get around to doing some crossposting there...

UHM, that might be all for now. If you made it through, I SALUTE YOU!

EDIT: OHMG, I had forgotten and I was ever so proud. I have 30gp of free space on my harddrive now! Okay, this is a Big Deal to me because it had been pretty much FULL or ALMOST FULL for...a long time. I've been working on clearing it off and defragging and I now have 30 GB FREE! EXCITEMENT!!! Don't judge me.

See, now if I had the money to upgrade to Win7, I actually could.

[what went away, you may ask? all my old saved anime/manga fanart. I finally have CUT LOOSE! shocking.]

&work: job hunting, &real life, &school: grad school, !rpg, *fandom: merlin, *fandom: doctor who, *fandom: chuck, &people: matt, *fandom: torchwood, &school: application hell, *fandom: white collar

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