May 03, 2009 03:04
So MAYBE I've mentioned Donald on here? IDK. He's this Irish guy I was sort of seeing for a while, I really like him and he's good fun to be around. But I hadn't heard from him in WEEKS and sort of figured it was over or whatever because I'd told him I was leaving by the end of the summer, etc.
But tonight while out at the pub, I got a text from him.
IT TURNS OUT that he'd had a huge head injury and has been in the hospital for the past three weeks. And lost his memory. He couldn't remember his PARENTS, nonetheless to text me, the girl he's only known for a few months.
I AM JUST BOGGLING AT THE FACT THAT....THIS HAPPENED. He didn't REMEMBER me. AT ALL. I would be insulted but he didn't remember his PARENTS so it's not like it's personal or anything and he apologized like, 20 times. It's mad! COMPLETELY MAD.
That's all I have to say for the moment as I WAS at the pub and my typing is not...particularly good. Just join me in my @_@!!!