we went to see jason webley at the firehouse tonight. i think he was a lot better when there wasn't a huge-ass gathering of street hippies. we sat directly behind this monster group of them who all got up and danced really badly whenever possible. i couldn't take it. we had to leave early, mainly for that reason. other than his hippie following and his mediocre storytelling skills, it was good.
while we were there, i talked to nancy (ofh staff person) and i got an art show for scheduled for september. rad. i don't know if i'll be able to get enough paintings done by then though. i have plenty of ideas, i just need more canvas to put them on. i really don't want a skimpy art show, but as of now, that's what it's looking like. i think i'm just going to have the show moved to october so i have a bit longer to prepare. it might be kind of cool though. maybe. we will see.
oh yeah,
"mikeala's fiend". and then on the site, we are listed as "mikala's fiend".
i hate having a band name that no one can spell correctly. it's lame.