
Jan 11, 2007 03:56

hello. how are you? i am fine. i hope you are fine too. it is now very late and i really do have to wake up quasi early in order to get to work at the proper time tomorrow/today. i guess ill just have to deal and sleep during my lunch. I've had this on my mind the past few weeks though and i thought id express it deeply and entirely through the lovely medium of livejournal (respeck).
Waving. I've always loved doing it. such a simple act. so little effort. so much ease. but there are certain undefinable qualities to waving that unexpectedly bring so much joy to me. it is unknown to me if this pleasure is shared by all people who wave. i think greatly for many people it goes unnoticed. I just waved to myself in the mirror right now and i actually smiled. it was great. that is the other thing. you can wave to all kinds of people; friends, family, strangers, police/firemen, etc. and it is widely accepted as a friendly greeting of hello.
When i was a kid riding on the school bus i remember we would look outside the windows and as all the cars passed us ( it was never the other way around us passing cars) we would wave and hopefully get the attention of the driver. This process was so amusing and entertaining that no matter how long the ride was it was always too short. You would get several varied responses from the people you would wave too. many people would either not notice (always a huge letdown), decide not to look over, some would honk their horn, some would even speed up as to not get infected i guess by the wave, and lastly but not least some would wave back. here is the important part. as my memory serves every time the person would wave back...HUGE SMILE :) across their face. i never thought much about it until recently but seriously everytime they waved they had a smile. which in turn led to us getting excited and of course waving more which grew more smiles. Come to think of it on the flip side those who were too "cool" to wave were never smiling. just something to ponder. It is amazing to think that just a wave could be so powerful. i wish there were an anecdote about some wise king asking the kingdom a riddle and the answer was a wave. but i dont think there is. there should be. if there is or if you decide to create one please be kind enough to inform me.
where i work we are required to greet people as they enter our establishment. concurrently with thinking about this subject i began not only to greet customers as they walked in but each greeting was accomponied by a wave from myself. Strangely many people are very surprised and some even taken aback to see me waving at them. some gladly receive it and i can tell a smile is not far away. Just waving at every new customer helps put a smile on my face and creates a happier more friendly environment in my humble opinion. Unfortunately as of yet i have not received a return wave. but this does not discourage me. i do not do it to get a wave back. i do it for the love of the wave.
Waving is something i will always do. i know that is a long time but im committed to waving. Waving is such an easy way for me to feel better. i think in reality what it does is help me feel like a kid again. just energetically waving my hand back and forth and seeing people's smiles puts me back in a time where there were no bills, no stress or pressure due to work, no problems with relationships, etc. In short next time you see me expect a wave hello.
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