I'm very sorry guys, I know I was supposed to have voting up last Friday but I'm having difficulty finding a balance right now as I've just started a full-time job which tends to be about 55 hours per week (I used to work 15 hours per week) as well as living in a temporary dorm situation and having more social obligations with this job. And, as you know, this was made even more difficult with LJ's problems this week. I've actually been trying to post this since Monday.
But that isn’t the main reason voting is not up -- we have no entries. There are 9 people signed up, but no one has submitted any icons. I understand that I haven’t been on top of the reminders, but it’s still concerning. Especially since even when we do have entries, there are only a few. I'd like to take this time to ask you all why you haven't been participating. Below is a list of participants in case any of you forgot you'd signed up. Please take a few moments to fill this out if you haven't been submitting icons.
As for this round, I will extend it again if enough of you respond to this entry stating you want to participate.
calin_durusciaimpalacifan70darlaslilgirlfire_sisterhermionesparklement_revolutionmoonshinefaerie Poll Comments are screened.