Men in Black Crossovers

Jan 06, 2019 01:09

Men in Black

Noble Son of Krypton by moiraithanatoio (Lachesis)

In a universe where the Kryptonian League is part of the intergalactic structure policed by the Men in Black on earth, the survival of a Noble House changes everything.

1 Death and Remembrance

Summary:  When MiB is informed of the death of former Agent Vee, it’s decided that someone should attend the funeral. Much to the surprise of Agents Jay, Kay, and the Daxamite ambassador they are escorting, a Kryptonian teenager attends.

2 Light and Salvation

Summary:  A medical condition forces Clark back to Earth and the people he left behind.

Decoy by Julian Lee

Summary:  "K! You turned the dude green!"

Men in Spades by Ryu I

Summary:  Answers the challenge: Men In Black in Smallville specifically to register/find Clark. Bonus if the neuralyzer doesn't work on Lex for meteor reasons. (Henry Jones Jr)

recs, clex, crossover, men in black, fics, smallville

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