Jun 23, 2005 21:54
Today was my last day at Burns and Wilcox. I put in my two weeks notice and finished it out. I don't have another job to jump right into. Tomorrow is the national registry test for my EMT license, and after that (assuming I pass it), I planned on getting a job at one of the ambulance companies, or at a hospital as a patient care tech. But I'm going to wait two weeks til I even start applying at places. In that time off...I'm going to do a lot of fishing and reading and running. And then the week of the 4th, I'm going to Rob's Uncle's place in Traverse City with him, Hartner and Westphal. My first real vacation in God knows how long. B&W was good to me; and let me tell you it was hard walking away from $11 an hour. But you know what? Work like that burns you out in a hurry. You can only do the same dull, boring repititive task so many times before you stop losing interest in it. And that's what was happening to me. I don't know how I managed to do surplus taxes for as long as I did. I guess being part time the majority of the year helped. Summers were murder, though. I did get treated pretty decently there, though. And my boss said that if I have trouble finding another job next month, give him a call and I can come back. So that's a great safety net. Anyways, I need to get back to the books for some last minute studying...not like it'll do me any good...but I feel like that's what I should be doing.
Til next time.