Lazy Sunday

Jan 12, 2014 16:51

- I don't usually care much about actors/actresses, but after reading an interview with Carrie Mulligan in W magazine, I like her even more.  She seems to make smart choices in the films she does, too.  They're interesting to me anyway.  This is basically just a rambling, memo to myself:  seek out and watch more of Carrie Mulligan's work.  Side note, she's also a babe.

- Those of you that follow me on Facebook, may know that we got a new kitten.  His name is Francis, and he's fun.  I'm trying to really take the time to enjoy playing with him because I know this time will be over before I know it, and he'll be grown.  I can't imagine how people with kids feel.  Hah.

- I've been successfully at it with the Whole30 for quite a while now, and I have to say, I've never felt better.  I sleep better.  I wake up better.  I don't feel gross and lethargic all the time, and I'm so glad I'm keeping on at it.  When you start telling people how good you feel, they look at you with disbelief, so I don't even attempt to anymore.  It works for me.  I'm making more conscious choices in what I eat. I'm not starving between meals.  I feel like after 30 days, I'll carry this into a paleo way of life, and I'm thrilled.  My Dad calls it the "torture diet," but that's so far from the truth.  I cook all the time.  It's not obsessive about having to log calories because you're making smart choices, and you know, for me, it's sustainable.  That's the bottom line.  I am so grateful to my friend Aimee for introducing me to it, being supportive/creating a fb support group.  My moods and anxiety even seem to be more in check.  I highly, highly recommend you read It Starts With Food and get started on your own Whole30. I promise I'm not getting paid to say this.  In other health news, Kelly and I are back at the gym and although it's killing me after taking such a long break post wedding, it feels right to get back into the swing of things.  My dirty little sorta secret is watching the Kardashians while on the machines for fitspiration. Seriously, say what you want about their vapid lives, but those bodies make me work.

-I'm reading another Elizabeth Bowen book.  Man, I love her.  It's The Death of the Heart.

-Also taking luxurious long bubble baths with Lush products.  I got this for Christmas (Mom and Dad are the best), and I'm all about self-care lately.

-I know no one wants to hear about my spiritual search, but I'm trying out the Episcopal church in Jonesboro next week.  I think I've been to every church now except that one.  Here's hoping!  The last time I went to a church in Jonesboro, I wanted to be baptized, but they refused because I wouldn't make a video and play into the glitz and glam show they do every Sunday.  I don't remember seeing fine print on being in a video in the Bible, but who knows?  Also, I'm interested in how you justify refusing a baptism to someone who desires it to Christ?  "Lord, I know she wanted to be baptized and profess, but she wouldn't make a youtube video we had to turn her away."  They wonder why people are so disillusioned with religion and church.  I'm still an unbaptized heathen searching for a home.  I felt really comfortable at mass when I was young (we're not Catholic, but I went to Catholic school) so who knows, maybe the liturgy aspect will feel cozy. 
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