What a Fucked Up Day

Sep 04, 2004 05:07

So yeah...what a fucked up night this is. It's like 5 in the morning. I got kinda trashed last night, and when ever things seemed to settle down I'd just down some more. Fucked up. Then Michelle decides to IM me asking why I hate her (because she's a dumbass if you'd like to know.) and everything becomes so fun! Tried talking with Corey and then someone hung the phone up on me. Called back, and no one answered so I was like "Don't you fuckin hang up on me!" cause I hate that shit, and then some tool IM's me, but I didn't know who it was cause they were a coward. yeah, I pretty much pissed off everyone tonight except for Wayne and Jen. So fuckin bored and I simply can't sleep.

Need to hang out with Ashley and Mark and Missy and Sly again. Adults are simply cooler.

Everything is horrible
Really really really terrible
I'm really depressed
I'm really downtrodden

The whole world is doomed
We're all gonna die
25,672 people die every single minute
Seventeen hundred and fifty people just died

Aids Inflation
George Bush
Cancer of the face
Cancer of the colon
Cancer of the write
and John Denver on compact disc
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