(no subject)

Jan 15, 2009 16:11

I keep meaning to make a post, but never get around to it. At first I was going to do a write-up about checking out our first wedding venues, but noodle_nose beat me to it. (For the three of your on my friends list that don't also read her LJ, you can check out her post, complete with my pictures here).

Anyway, WoW has been taking up a fair amount of my time recently (for the past... 6 years now, I guess). I hit 80 almost two weeks ago, and have been working hard at getting geared up so that I can rejoin my guildmates and run some raids. The other night was a big night for me, and in one final push I managed to break the all-important milestone of being "uncrittable". I ran my first dungeon on heroic difficulty (which for those of you who don't know and somehow still care, means that it's more difficult and has better gear), got my faction up with the Wyrmrest Accord, picked up these boots and this chestpiece. Afterwards, while farming some materials for my engineering helm, I found an ultra-rare mob in Sholazar Basin (King Krush) and managed to down him. Then, I gathered up enough materials to craft my engineering helmet. As I said, it was a big night :)

This past weekend we had a good day shopping. Michelle dropped off her bike at REI to get a tune-up and found out that they were having a clearance sale. I figured I could use some cold-weather running gear to help me get in the mood for running in the mornings again, so we returned in the afternoon. I picked up a long-sleeve running shirt, a nice stretchy-fleece pullover, some (much needed) gloves, and a scarf. I lucked out and got everything except the shirt on sale for 50% off! What a deal! Then we went to DSW and got me some replacements for my ailing shoes. My old chucks were little more than socks with how much support they gave my feet. I picked up a nice pair of K-Swiss and some black Vans to replace my old ones. They're very comfortable, but as with most shoes, I'm gonna need some insoles before I do too much walking in them.

With my new gear I started running again. It feels good to be running outside. It's much more satisfying than running on a treadmill. I also feel like I'm getting a better workout AND am setting a better pace for myself than when on the treadmill. I don't know what my mile-time is exactly, but I would venture a guess at around 9 minutes. I'd like to be able to do 3 miles at a sub-8 minute/mile pace. I was pretty close to this when I did the Santa Cruz triathlon last year, where I finished the 3 mile run (or was it 5k?) in a little over 25 minutes.

In other workout news, I recently discovered that my office building has showers! They're under repair now, but once they're working, I think I may begin riding my bike to AND from work on Fridays. Previously I'd take the light rail to work with my bike and then ride home at night because I didn't want to be sweaty all day. Now I just have to bring along a change of clothes and a towel and I can get in a double workout that day! It's a good thing too, 'cause Fridays are bagel/doughnut day at work, and it's also usually the day when I go out for lunch.

wow, wedding, workout

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