(no subject)

May 23, 2005 20:03

so i didnt go to school today.
i slept in until 2.
it felt good.
i made myself a lot of food, delicious.
then i went to work from 3 to 6.
now im supposed to be doing homework.
but obviously, im not.

getting a new phone soon.
it has a camera...and that seems like the cool thing to have nowadays.

the game last night wasnt that great.
even tho we won.
i bought these new wheels...they are horrible.
its like trying to skate with oil on my wheels.
the bearings i got are terrible too.
i couldnt even glide for more than a second without slowing down.
thats the last time i ever by anything that seems like a good deal.
im taking all that stuff back and demanding a refund.
then im gonna go to a different place and spend my life savings on better wheels and bearings.

almost all my socks have holes in them.
damn those stupid holes.
its so annoying when im walking and trying to keep my toe out of the little hole.
its time for new pairs of socks.

19 days from now, school will be over, and it will be the best summer ever.
9 months from now, ill be 18 and ill finally get my license.
83 years from now, ill probably be dead in a casket.
1 life from now, ill be reincarnated as a kitty cat, cuz all they do is sleep, eat, and prounce around.... and that would be awesome.

thank you.
come again.
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