even though I'm not a massive fan and only watch highly intermittantly, it's still odd whenever a wrestler passes. you do see them weekly doing things that you think no human should really do AND they're all bulked up. so you're taking this 300 pound guy who could easily bench-press Bill O'Reilly's ego and telling him "ok. so this other 300 pound guy is going to turn you upside down and 'drop' you on your head. ok? great" and this goes on for a few hours a week, it's truly amazing. then one dies. sometimes it's an Owen Hart where everyone pretty much knows what's going on and then sometimes you get something like an Eddie Guerrero where it's this freakish happenstance. either way, you see someone you admire fall from some strange form of grace. and true, not many people understand professional wrestling and do often relegate it to the land of the trailer park and "budweiser" logo caps and such... but let's see Barishnakov take a chair shot and keep going? these men and women are the vanguards of a culture that is accessible to the "Common Man." while a certain portion of Professional Wrestling's fans won't understand the sublte nuances of the interplay between the characters of "Aida" and how drama is defined as the tension between characters when you pit desire versus reality, but they sure as hell understand that drama is when Triple H fakes a wedding to Stephanie McMahon just so he can stage a major breakup with her. the cultural aristcracy in this country would insist that the wrestlin fans won't "get it," but I think they get it just fine... they just happen to prefer Sweet Chin Music to "The Anvil Chorus."
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