Aug 07, 2005 22:50
He died today at the age of 67. Lung cancer got him quickly I guess. He had just announced he was battling it back in April. I guess it acted quickly.
It's weird him being gone, because he's one of those fixtures in your life, at least he was mine, growing up. Him, along with Dan Rather, and Tom Brokaw. The 3 main network news anchors. Every.single.night. for at least 10 years of my life growing up, I would see one of those 3 guys on TV every night for 30 minutes, telling us what's wrong in the world. It was usually Rather or Jennings. So it's weird having somebody that seems like a staple in your life, even though it's just by way of television, be gone. He had such a unique voice, I'll always remember it.