Apr 24, 2005 23:40
I haven't updated this thing in quite awhile.
Went to a wedding last weekend. It was good times. Roy D Mercer's son's wedding to be exact. Adam Lynn. The wedding was nice, but the reception was even better. Got to see a bunch of friends I hadn't seen in many months.
Long week of school papers (thank God that's over) and work this weekend. Tomorrow is like my friday for work (monday).....then off for 3 days to do the school bit. Speaking of school, it's dead week so I guess I better get to studying while I have the time.
I am looking forward to this semester being over. The courses have run........their course. My NT class wins out as my favorite since it was very informative as well as inspirational, my professor that is.
Looks like I'll have a somewhat weird work schedule in the summer. I think it's going to be Friday-Tuesday, off Wed, Thur. That might change, whooooo knows.
Hey Rhys, you'll have to take me out to the site of your new house sometime in the next couple weeks. I'd like to see it before it's finished being built.
That's all I've got for now.