
Feb 24, 2008 23:51

well, this will be brief. im exhausted.

+ im moving into a new room in my parents house which is taking up all sorts of time while i build & paint new furniture. hot diggity dog.

+ my hair is now my natural hair color for the first time in years. its weird. really really weird.

+ i have now lost 30 pounds since i graduated. i look and feel like a different person.

+ i havent drank or smoked in almost three weeks. its refreshing.

+ andrew and i are going to new york in june. dont ask. it's THAT ridiculous... but the trip should be interesting.

+ all sorts of folks from my past are barging into my life recently. people i NEVER thought i would hear from again. its odd. and kind of nice... and a little uncomfortable all the same.

+ im thinking about deleting my facebook profile since i can't stand to re-live negative memories from college (re: certain people who were shitty friends)... id hate to lose the few avenues of communication i have with people i like, though. conundrum.

in any case... the best news?

im getting a promotion.


and now to bed...
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