So, I was lazy and didn't answer these questions when I got them, so you can all have the answers now xD
The first set of questions were asked by
1. Favorite dessert?
- Well, I love a load of different desserts, it's my favourite part of the meal. My favourites would have to include ice cream and Angel Delight xD Oooh! Also, I love Eton Mess xD
2. When did you first get into the Sims?
- Well, I went round my friends' house and he was playing The Sims and I enjoyed playing it, so I decided to buy it. When The Sims 2 came out, I brought that and the same with The Sims 3 xD
3. What is your dream job?
- Ooh! Well, I'm not too sure about this one. I never really decided what I wanted to do until last year, and I'm still not completely sure. I decided upon either a vet, a chef or working with animals in some way. I'm still not completely sure, but I'm leaning torwards the last option at the moment.
4. How many kids do you think you'll have?
- Well, this is a question that I've though about a lot. I've always thought that I'd have loads of children, but recently I've thought more and lowered that number significantly. I'd definately like to have a girl and a boy and I've always thought having twins would be awesome xD
5. Is there a musical artist you're embarrassed to like?
- Haha! I do listen to quite a bit of embarrassing music, but I'm not embarrassed to like them :). My most embarrassing is probably the Spice Girls xD I've liked them ever since I was about five and I went to see them on their reunion tour :D
The second five questions were asked by
1. Out of all the sims you've ever played, which one was your favourite (like, a specific favourite sim)? What did you do with them that made them so important to you?
- Hmm, this is a hard question, I have loads of sims that are my favourite and that I really liked. I loved my last heiress in my first Marina attempt, Venetia Marina. I just loved her because I thought she was really beautiful and she travelled a lot and was a really interesting character to play! I also love my sims 2 version of Adrianna. I think she is also a beautiful sim and that she is such an interesting character to play! :)
2. What's your favourite sport to watch, and to play? (Two separate answers, unless you love to watch the same sport you love to play xD)
- Well, I don't like sports that much. I don't watch that much sport either, but if I had to choose one it'd probably be football, or soccer. My sister plays football and we've always had it on in our house, which is slightly annoying, but I really enjoyed the World Cup this year and I found it interesting to watch. I don't play sports that much either , but if I had to choose one it'd be either Dodge ball, Rounders or Rugby :D
3. Are there any songs you absolutely loathe? Why?
- I don't think there are any songs that I really hate, I mean there are songs that I don't like, but none that I really hate. I find some songs really annoying and stuff, but I couldn't say that I really hated them. :)
4. If you could have one super power for a day, what power would you choose?
- Well, this is a question that I've actually already though of! ;) If it was just for one day, I'd choose to have something like time travel or flying, but if it was for longer, I'd love to have regeneration. It'd be so cool to heal if you cut yourself or something :)
5. Do you know any languages other than your mother tongue? If so, how many others?
- Well, I did French for two years at my school, but I really didn't like it. I do German for a GCSE at my school too, I sort of enjoy that :) I can't speak any other languages fluently though!
The third set of questions are from
1. What's your favorite soda?
- Well, I like a few different types of soda, but my favourite probably has to be Pepsi or Fanta. :)
2. What do you want to be when you grow up?- Ooh! Well, I'm not too sure about this one. I never really decided what I wanted to do until last year, and I'm still not completely sure. I decided upon either a vet, a chef or working with animals in some way. I'm still not completely sure, but I'm leaning torwards the last option at the moment. /copy and paste.
3. What restaurant do you work at?
- I work at a restaurant called Soitiros, I think. It's a greek/normal english restaurant. I just help with jobs around the kitchen and I also help with the cooking too. :)
4. What is your favorite television show?
- Well, this question will just show how much TV I watch. xD. At the moment, I have so many favourite TV shows, which are: Glee, 90210, Desperate Housewives, Big Brother, Ugly Betty, Lost, Heroes, 24, FlashForward and I've also started watching One Tree Hills xD. I know I'm sad for watching all these shows, but some of those have now ended or been cancelled :'(
5. Do you like to sing? What kind of music?
- I don't like to sing, I can't sing either xD
The four set of questions were asked by
1. Why "The Marina Legacy"? What was your inspiration for the surname?
- Well this answer seemed good to me, but it'll probably seem really sad to everyone else. xD As my legacy theme was originally supposed to be just my favourite names, sorta like Jules's theme, and I love water. Also, I love the words Aqua and stuff that means water, so I decided to name them the Marina's. :D
2. Have you ever seen a house in real life (or in Sims) that you would love to live in? Describe it.
- Not really. I'd love to live in a house by the beach, somewhere warm. That'd probably be my dream house. I've only ever seen houses like that in TV programmes though.
3. Can you play any instruments?
- I used to play the trumpet in primary school, but I gave that up. I really wish I could play an instrument though.
4. Name a memorable event from this summer.
- I haven't really done that much this summer, the weather's been really crappy here and I'm just so tired all of the time. Although, my best memory was going to the beach was my friends for my birthday. We had a barbecue on the beach and then went swimming in the sea :D
5. Do you have any pets? Describe them. (If not, why don't you have one? Would you like one?)
- Yes! I have a dog. His name is Coco and he's a Chocolate Labrador. I think I posted a picture of him on Twitter once, he's big and he's really hyper, but he's really awesome! I'd love to get another dog, but my parents won't let me :(
The last five questions were asked by
julessims .
1. Why do you want to move to America so badly?
- When I was about 7, I went on holiday to Florida and I enjoyed it so much! We went back there a few times and I enjoyed it even more there. I hate where I live and I'd love to come to Uni in America and then decide whether I want to stay there or whether I'd want to come back to England. :)
2. If you could, would you dye your hair another color? If yes, which color?
- I don't really like hair dye on boys really, but I used to want to dye my hair brown. IDK why because my hair is almost brown anyway :). When I was younger, my hair was like white! It was awesome!
3. Are you planning on attending Uni?
- Yes! I'm hoping on attending Uni in the U S of A! Wooo! xD
4. What are your hobbies (besides Sims, of course)?
- I don't have that many hobbies really, I'm really busy at school/work that I don't have a lot of spare time, but I do really like reading! :D
5. Can I steal your dog?
- D: NO!
That's finally it!! Thanks to everyone who asked me a question and respond to this with a ":D" if you want me to ask your five questions. :)
Also, I shall be posting the bedroom meme sometime this week, I just need to clean my fish out before I do! xD