Nov 16, 2008 09:58
Bookstore visits always makes me feel bad about how much I read. I look at row and row of books I want to read: Bob Woodward's new book! Everything by Dostoyesky! An autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr. that was not written by him! Hemingway's Nick Adams stories! And so on and so forth! The best book was on a table in the entrance. The book was written in Hangul with the English title "Yes, We Can!" The title was in a shiny red lettering inside of a friendly square. On top of the friendly square was a big headed Obama whose small body and arms were flashing the peace sign. "Yes, We Can", on top of being flashy and Korean, felt like the book of the future. Over in the politics section were smart and dumb books about Bush and the War. It all felt irrelevant. Put those books in the history section, son, we've got a cleaner slate than a newborn.
Bush did many things and one of the more useful, in retrospect, was to become a symbol for all of America. He wrapped up in his person everything wrong with the U.S. government. He was the one who went to war without good planning, he was the one who supported torture and inhuman treatment of humans, and he promoted a unilateral policy towards an increasingly powerful rest of the world. Soon he will be gone with all that baggage.