Aug 03, 2008 11:59
missed my flight to Korea and slept in LAX, the worse place on earth. I made a travel journal.
Hour 8 10 2 AM PST- I really don't like LA.Good things don't happen here. My flight was delayed 2 hours in Chicago. Right now the choice is to stay up a little longer in order to sync with Korea time better o fall asleep now or try at least to catch the I can here in Tom Bradley (no relation, thank God) International airport, where construction is going on after midnight and the automated announcers are letting our french guests know that liquids are not allowed in quantities avove 3 oz. Sleep time.
Hour 14.5 630 AM PST I slept on a bench. My head was supported by Bob Woodward and Fyodor Dosyevski and a t-Shirt. At some point I moved to the floor off to the side, near a group of others in limbo. It was more comfortable and I was acutually asleep long enough to dream until a cop (from LA, the worst place on earth, no doubt) wok me and and asked me my bus and told me to watch my stuff
At 630 AM a cop and a military man woke me to see if I was a security threat or something. They ask me where I was coming from and where I was going. The cop mentioned another of the sleepers said they were going to Korea. In retropsect this all might have been a dream because when I looked the last time the military man was a teenage hispanic boy with a broom.
I gathered my stuff at my gate to go pee as I was walking to the bathroom the stewardesses walked by. I realized that I choose the right country to go too.
Before the 3 movies I watched (Be Kind Rewind. Awesome! Jumper. Lame! 21. Lame!) Korean Air showed a commercial for Korean Air. I guess so we wouldn't switch to their competitor mid-flight. It was avery wierd and stylized, with everything in grey tones exept for one baby blue object each scene. The basic set up was scene with baby blue object followed by a gerund. Repeat. So one scene was a woman covering herself with a silk bed sheet extending her arm to a baby blue dove followed with the word "accomnodating." ONe of the gerunds was "pledging." It took me a moment to realize that pledging is a real word in English, if only used one week a year by public radio hosts.