Mar 23, 2008 04:15
Zach, an almost stranger wrote this to chris zachau and I about an article we wrote for the school newspaper. We wrote a review of 40s from the perspective of the two greats in the world of outsized beers, Ol' Dirty Bastard and Virginia Woolfe. Thus wrote Zach.
listen guys, i'm not trying to be a dick head, but both of you guys should really get your ass beat for disrespecting ODB. And there's really no sarcasm with that. He is a genius, and if RZA read this 40 oz to freedom...well, god help you both.
cheers, OZB
I was offended. I took what little I know about him and formed a response.
Mr. Beal,
As an accomplished misogynist myself, I find it troublesome when the campus king of sexism criticizes me in any manner. I'd be a social outcast if the student body knew you were upset with me, considering the level of respect your receive. So I apologize and will try to explain my misbehavior. You see, the idea of ODB talking to a woman as an equal was meant to be satire. Clearly, no hero of yours (or mine)would ever engage in such a dialogue, no matter how many 40s were in him, and not even if it was with a woman as intelligent and accomplished as Ms. Woolf. With that said I want to apologize profusely at my failure as a man. Maybe we could go to a strip club sometime and bond over how much we hate chick bands, treat Russian women so poorly they send us death threats, and then send out a mass email with disrespectful terms for the female anatomy.
I completely respect you,
Taylor "Sugartits" Bradley
There is more to come and it caused some self-evaluation (Like everything else. I'm a sissy).