Welcome to The Manflesh.
"96% of teens will not stand for Christ.
If you're one of the 4% who will, put this in your profile."
More like put this in your garbage-disposal. I've seen this in a countless number of AIM profiles since I started looking for them. If it's in your profile right now, I do hope you'll read this. I have absolutely nothing against you, I just think someone should rephrase the statement.
First and foremost, I would like to address the most common misconception with regards to this statement. Putting this in your profile does not mean you are standing up for Christ, otherwise heaven would be a copy-paste away. It means that you are willing to be harassed time and again by your own narrow views and our stereotypes. The text in your profile, believe it or not, is irrelevant to the undeniable truth.
Put this in your profile if you killed Chuck Norris.
Of course I did not kill Chuck Norris, but it's in my profile so it must be true (please note the sarcasm). The same logic applies. I hope you all understand this by now, because I'm moving on with or without you. Let's look at global statistics.
The Earth is home to nearly six and a half trillion semi-intelligent meat-bags called "humans". Of that number, one third believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Realistically, we can shove that other 66% out of the picture. "Hey, put them back in the picture! They are included in the percentage! Just because they don't believe in Jesus doesn't mean that they're irrelevant!" Hey, shut up. America is a melting pot, we don't understand the concept of exclusive national religion. Kids in the Middle East are stuck with Islamic. Much of the old world is like this, where a growing teen will never really know (let alone consider) any other belief. It's not that they won't stand up for Christ, it's the fact that they can't stand up for Christ. Don't try fighting that, or I'll unleash the Hypocrite-Mobile on you for not believing in Poseidon. So basically, 66% of your 96% won't stand up for Jesus because they can't.
Here's another interesting point of view. The 96:4 ratio in the statement simply means that, on average, 4 out of every 100 people will re-paste in their profile. Why would the other 96 not? Maybe 66 of them are too busy with their own individual beliefs, maybe 30 of them exceeded the 4096 character limit in their profile, or maybe they realized how pointless it is. In either case, they choose not to. It gets interesting when the Internet starts referring to teens in general during this study, as opposed to internet users who claim to be teens. The truth is, only 15.6% of teens worldwide have access to the Internet to begin with. Oh that changes everything, doesn't it. Well let's calculate how many people with Internet access actually care about Jesus. What a surprise, about 5%. What does it all mean? It means that the statistic is not at all what you think it is, that only 15% of teens can stand up for Christ in their profiles, that only 33% of teens can believe in Christianity. A deceiving veil once covered the face of this statement. It has been reduced to nothing. Let's look at some other ways to phrase this.
4% of the teens who see this will put this in their profile.
Get rid of the word Christ and it means the exact same thing.
96% of teens can not stand up for Christ. If you're one of the 4% who can, congratulations.
You have the Internet, you were raised in a nice Christian family, congratulations! There are millions of other people like you!
4% of teens are ignorant meat-bags. If you are one of the 15.6% who can read this, hello to you.
If everyone had Internet, survey accuracy would increase and the quality of life in general would decrease. God bless Social Darwinism.
If you believe in Poseidon, put this in your profile and feel really proud of yourself.